Milton Keynes - Multiple Planning Notices
What is planned?
Representations, if any, to be submitted in writing to within 21 days of the publication of this notice.
24/01993/FULM Removal/variation of conditions - Variation of condition 1 (Approved plans) seeking changes to plant room roof height and increased area to accommodate a third Air Handling Unit (AHU). Removal of guard rails and increase height of main roof parapet wall. Stair core roof parapet height increase. x2 quench pipes for MRI rooms now shown. Changes to door provision on the southern elevation, to window provision on south-east elevation (level 02), and the replacement of green walls with area of wildflower on the main roof. (relating to permission ref. 21/01523/FUL relating to the demolition of existing MRI Scanner building and erection of a new CT & MRI Scanner building at Milton Keynes University Hospital, Standing Way, Eaglestone, MK6 5LD
24/01914/FUL Full planning permission - The installation of a canopy above the existing entrance to the front elevation and refurbishment of the trims, flashings, sills, windows and doors on each elevation associated to the continued factory/warehouse use (use class B2/B8) at The Envelope Building, Michigan Drive, Tongwell, MK15 8HQ
24/01960/DISCON Approval of details reserved by a condition - Approval of details required by condition BNG1 (Biodiversity Gain Plan) of permission ref. 24/01084/FUL at Wardens Accommodation, Bradwell Village Youth Hostel, Vicarage Road, Bradwell, MK13 9AG
24/01929/HOU Householder planning permission - The erection of a detached single garage at 9 Crofts End, Sherington, Newport Pagnell MK16 9ND
24/01834/HOU Householder planning permission - The erection of a two storey detached rear outbuilding with dormer and the creation of a parking space in the rear garden with new gates at 15 Wolverton Road, Stony Stratford, MK11 1EA
24/01756/FUL Full planning permission - The replacement of the existing 3 lane cricket practice nets with a 4 lane facility at Ancell Trust Sports Ground, Ostlers Lane, Stony Stratford, MK11 1AR
24/01789/FUL Full planning permission - New building in adjacent field to include two stables, workshop and tractor storage. New gated ramped pathway from the existing car parking area to the north of the site to an area of hardstanding to the west of the stables/workshop/storage building with landscaping at Calverton Cottage, Lower Weald To Calverton Road, Calverton, MK19 6ED
24/01494/OUT Outline planning permission: Some matters reserved - Outline application (matters of access and woodland landscaping to be considered, with matters of layout, scale, appearance and non-woodland landscaping reserved) for 25 dwellings including 17 self build plots and 8 affordable dwellings at Land South West of Uphoe Manor Farm, Bedford Road, Lavendon
24/01364/HOU Householder planning permission - The erection of a front porch extension at 2 Vicarage Gardens, Bradwell, MK13 9AY
24/02011/FUL Full planning permission - Formation of a new external double-door to the rear garden space from the commercial unit at ground level, to include a glazed timber door and transom light and change of use of existing amenity area to include the construction of a paved patio area externally for use by the ground floor occupier and the formation of a new private residents amenity area to the south of the car park area, to include a new timber fence with gated access and soft landscaping at 67 High Street, Stony Stratford, MK11 1AY
24/02012/LBC Listed building consent (Alt/Ext) - Listed Building Consent for the closing up one internal door way and form a new door opening into the rear bin store and the formation of a new external double-door to the rear garden space from the commercial unit at ground level, to include a glazed timber door and transom light and change of use of existing amenity area to include the construction of a paved patio area externally for use by the ground floor occupier and the formation of a new private residents amenity area to the south of the car park area, to include a new timber fence with gated access and soft landscaping at 67 High Street, Stony Stratford, MK11 1AY
24/01450/OUT Outline planning permission: Some matters reserved - Outline application (matters of access and woodland landscaping to be considered, with matters of layout, scale, appearance and non-woodland landscaping reserved) for a self build residential development of 9 dwellings at Land South West of Uphoe Manor Farm, Bedford Road, Lavendon
24/01983/REM Reserved Matters - Approval of reserved matters (access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) pursuant to outline permission ref. 05/00291/MKPCO for the construction of open space, play areas, allotments, lands for District Park, access, landscaping, play areas, site amenities and appearance at Wea Area 10-1 - 10-3, Watling Street H3 To H4, Milton Keynes
PLN/2024/2053 Full planning permission - Renovation of existing timber sash windows, including replacement glazing with slimline double glazed units, draught proofing and general timber repairs and redecoration, and the installation of roof fall restraint system at FCDO Building 18 (Park House), Hanslope Park, Hanslope Park Road, Hanslope, MK19 7BH
PLN/2024/2054 Householder planning permission - The erection of a timber gazebo with paved area, the replacement of the gates to the driveway and retention of the single garage at LATHBURY PARK, CHURCH LANE, LATHBURY, NEWPORT PAGNELL, MK16 8LD
PLN/2024/2058 Full planning permission - Construction of 7x padel tennis courts and ancillary facilities within lightweight prefabricated pavilion structure with associated external car parking area, new pedestrian and vehicular access, landscaping, fencing and restoration of two existing all-weather playing pitches at Playing Courts at Milton Keynes Academy, Rainbow Drive, Leadenhall, MK6 5EJ
PLN/2024/2113 Approval of details reserved by a condition - Approval of details required by condition 3 (Render details) and condition 4 (Roof materials) of permission ref. 24/00350/HOU at 12 HIGH STREET, HANSLOPE, MK19 7LQ
PLN/2024/2173 Listed building consent (Alt/Ext) - Listed building consent for external alterations including the repair and replacement of windows and roof, internal alterations/refurbishment and part loft conversion, including associated works at CHURCH FARM, CHURCH LANE, STOKE GOLDINGTON, NEWPORT PAGNELL, MK16 8NZ
PLN/2024/2207 Approval of details reserved by a condition - Approval of details required by condition 7 (method of repair) of permission ref. 23/02412/LBC at CALVERTON HOUSE, CALVERTON, MK19 6EG
PLN/2024/2208 Approval of details reserved by a condition - Approval of details required by condition 8 (Barn Floor Construction) of permission ref. 23/02412/LBC at CALVERTON HOUSE, CALVERTON, MK19 6EG
PLN/2024/2280 Listed building consent (Alt/Ext) - Listed Building Consent for the renovation of existing timber sash windows, including replacement glazing with slimline double glazed units, draught proofing and general timber repairs and redecoration, and the installation of roof fall restraint system at FCDO Building 18 (Park House), Hanslope Park, Hanslope Park Road, Hanslope, MK19 7BH
PLN/2024/2283 Listed building consent (Alt/Ext) - Listed Building Consent for the erection of a timber gazebo with paved area, the replacement of the gates to the driveway and retention of the single garage at LATHBURY PARK, CHURCH LANE, LATHBURY, NEWPORT PAGNELL, MK16 8LD
Environmental Impact Assessment applications
Representations, if any, to be submitted in writing to within 30 days of the publication of this notice.
24/01996/FUL Full planning permission - Construction of 42 dwellings, open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure following demolition of existing dwelling. EIA development. at Caldecote Cottage, Willen Road, Newport Pagnell, MK16 0JJ
PLN/2024/2266 Full planning permission - Two extensions to Lathbury Quarry and retention of existing ancillary works and facilities (including site access, haul road, processing plant, plant site, lagoons, weighbridge, wheel wash and all other approved ancillary facilities in place at the site) with progressive restoration to agriculture and nature conservation by the importation and deposit of inert restoration materials using the approved point of access together with further nature conservation enhancements on site. (Resubmission of 23/2241/MIN) at Land To North And East of Lathbury, Northampton Road, Lathbury
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