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Blackwall, Brighouse, Todmorden, Calderdale, Ovenden, Luddenden, Elland, Hebden Bridge - Various Planning Applications

HX1Published 07/11/24Expired
Halifax Courier • 

What is planned?

Town and Country Planning
(Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015

These applications are either a major application and/or affect a Listed Building/Conservation Area and/or their setting and/or a footpath and/or don’t accord with the provisions of the Development Plan. You can view them and make representations on-line including in public libraries on the Councils website Comments should be submitted within 21 days of date of publication. Please read our Privacy Notice on the Search and Comment on a Planning Application page on our website before submitting comments as this explains how we deal with your information.
24/00790/FUL Single storey ground floor extension The Old Court House Blackwall Halifax
24/00924/FUL Split of existing single dwelling to form 2 separate detached dwellings including partial demolition and extension and alterations to vehicular access. Aria House Old Farm Way Brighouse
24/01088/LBC Installation of a replacement glass screen and double door Waterfront Lodge Huddersfield Road Brighouse
24/00904/VAR Variation of condition no.1 application 17/01436/FUL (amended plans) additional floor on Unit 1, the roof terrace above Unit 4 and combining units 2, 3 and Café into one unit Horton House 7 Horton Street Halifax
24/00200/FUL Part demolition and part conversion of existing buildings to create six dwellings Old Farm Mankinholes Bank Todmorden
24/00207/FUL Barn conversion, demolition and reconstruction of outbuildings to form single dwelling. Addition of rear patio and access path with retaining walls. Bank End Farm Warley Edge Lane Halifax
24/01092/LBD Demolition of barn (curtilage building) (Listed Building Demolition) Illingworth Hall Farm 11 - 12 Back Lane Illingworth
24/00966/FUL Change of Use from Industrial (B2 Use) to Waste Treatment (Sui Generis) for the processing of flat panel displays (Waste Type: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Ashday Works Business Park Units 1 - 6 Elland Road Brighouse
24/01053/HSE Single storey rear and side extension 55 Dudwell Lane Halifax
24/01000/FUL Construction of 122 dwellings and associated works Land Southeast Of 74 Ovenden Green Ovenden
24/01109/HSE Extend an existing off street parking space (Retrospective) Hillcrest New Road Luddenden
24/00963/FUL conversion of redundant public house with accommodation to 2 houses, 5 apartments and an office Barge And Barrel 8 Park Road Elland
24/01041/FUL Alterations to existing window opening (front elevation) and installation of roof mounted 'mushroom cowl' type plate fan to alleviate/mitigate condensation issue in existing first floor food prep storeroom. Shoulder Of Mutton Bridge Gate Hebden Bridge
Richard Seaman, Corporate Lead

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