High Street, Providence Place, Bolam Lane, Cliff Road - Multiple Planning Applications
What is planned?
a) Installation of seven replacement windows to front
elevation at 24 High Street Bridlington YO16 4PX
(Ref: 24/03079/PLB)
b) Installation of replacement windows and new door
entrance with internal lobby doors at Manor House
Surgery Providence Place Bridlington YO15 2QW
(Ref: 24/02979/PLB)
c) Remedial works to the interior of the building to
line the building with Delta MS500 Cavity Drain
Membrane to prevent water ingress from brickwork
along with relining the interior of the Mills walls
with battens and flex-plasterboard. Installation
of perimeter drainage channel to remove water
encapsulated by Delta MS500 Cavity Membrane.
Alterations to modern internal arrangement,
none original fabric. Retrospective permission for
installation of Cavity Trays and Weep Vents above
all fenestration and abutments as part of the water
ingress mitigation scheme at Bempton Mill
Bolam Lane Bempton YO16 6XQ (Ref: 24/03137/PLB)
d) Installation of black enamel flue serving log burner
to lounge passing through roof to terminate above
ridge at former Farm Shop and Tea Room
Manor House Farm Bugg Lane Ulrome YO25 8TN
(Ref: 24/03049/PLB)
e) Change of use of first and second floor staff/store
rooms to two flats at vacant shop 2 South Cliff Road
Bridlington YO15 3AT (Ref: 24/03123/ERNOT)
f) Installation of replacement windows and new door
entrance with internal lobby doors at Manor House
Surgery Providence Place Bridlington YO15 2QW
(Ref: 24/02978/PLF)
Proposals (a,e) are each within a Conservation Area
designated under Section 69 of the Planning (Listed
Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
Proposals (a,b,c,d,f) are Listed Buildings scheduled
under Section 1 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and
Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
Proposals (a,c) affect the setting of a Listed Building
under Section 1 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and
Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
If you wish to view the applications electronically or to
check progress logon to
https://newplanningaccess.eastriding.gov.uk/ and
enter the application number.
You can make comments electronically using the
feedback option on the above website or by emailing
Guidance notes on making comments and the right to
speak are also available on the above website or on
request. If you have any comments or wish to lodge
objections in respect of the proposals they must be
received by 28 November 2024. You can visit any of
the council’s libraries where facilities are available for
you to view planning applications. If you decide to visit
the library, the details of reference number, address and
postcode set out above will be required to enable you
to view the application. A member of the library staff
will be able to assist you if required.
If, as a result of your visit, there are any questions that
have not been resolved, please contact Planning Office,
telephone (01482) 393647.
Please note by virtue of the provisions of the Local
Government Act 1972, anyone may be entitled to read
and obtain a copy of any representations you make.
Stephen Hunt
Director of Planning & Development Management
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