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Lancing - Multiple Planning Notices

BN15 9FPPublished 07/11/24
Sussex World • 

What is planned?


Planning applications submitted to Adur District Council under the Town and Country Planning Acts and related legislation requiring statutory publicity.

Applications registered between 28th October 2024 and 1st November 2024

Brighton And Hove Albion Training Ground
60 Mash Barn Lane Lancing
Levelling out of running hill; proposed covered padel courts along with associated 2-storey building comprising changing rooms and office/classroom space

Land South Of West Street And West Of Loose Lane
Application for Approval of Reserved Matters for Phase 2 following hybrid planning permission AWDM/0323/19. Details regarding the scale, layout, appearance, access and landscaping for the erection of 91 dwellings (including 30% affordable housing), a pocket park, car parking, a pumping station, a community orchard and community storage and welfare building.

Land South Of Lorry Park And Adjoining Edge Of Beach Basin Road
South Southwick
Construction of a new rock revetment along the existing defence along the central Shoreham frontage facing Basin Road South. The proposed alignment follows the seaward perimeter of the existing beach crest. Construction of a new footpath along with a new beach access ramp and steps. Application to vary Condition 1: Proposed change to design of rock revetment, changes to biodiversity enhancement and compensation proposals and additional details of ramp, steps and footpath provided and Condition 5 : for its wording to be varied to a compliance condition in line with the plans submitted with this application in relation to the steps, footpath and ramp of approved AWDM/0321/23

Applications can be viewed on the Council’s web site at or electronically at The Shoreham Centre, Pond Road, Shoreham-by-Sea between 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday. Representations should be submitted by email using the online form on our website (including your postal address on the email) or by writing to me at the address below, so that they are received by me not later than 21 days from the date of publication of this notice in the case of applications involving listed buildings or within conservation areas, or 14 days for all other applications.

Stephen Cantwell
Interim Planning Services Manager
Worthing Town Hall
Chapel Road Worthing
West Sussex BN11 1HA

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