No.41 Inn Rd (Huhtamaki Fibre Packaging), Dollingstown, and adjoining lands to the southeast together with land south and southeast of No.48 Inn Rd and land north of No`s 8-11 Knightsbridge...........
What is planned?
PLANNING ACT (Northern Ireland) 2011 &
THE PLANNING (Development Management)
REGULATIONS (Northern Ireland) 2015
(Regulation 5(2)(b))
Proposed Development: Demolition of existing buildings/structures and erection of mixed use development
comprising dwellinghouses (Class C1) and light industrial and storage and distribution units (Classes B2 & B4).
Location: No.41 Inn Rd (Huhtamaki Fibre Packaging),
Dollingstown, and adjoining lands to the east, south and south-west, located adjacent to and north and east of 54 Inn Road, Dollingstown and north of and adjacent to nos.8-11 Knightsbridge, Dollingstown.
A public exhibition and drop-in session will take place on Tuesday 19th November 2024 from 3pm to 7pm at the
Jethro Centre, 6 Flush Place, Lurgan, Craigavon, BT66 7DT. Video calls with interested members of the public will also be available upon request.
Further information relating to the proposal can be
obtained from O’Toole & Starkey Planning Consultants. Telephone 07988903402.
Should you wish to comment on the proposal, you can do so at the event, via email to
or in writing to O’Toole & Starkey Ltd, 1 st Floor – River House, 48-60 High Street, Belfast, BT1 2BE. Comments should be made on or before 19th December 2024.
This notice does not relate to a planning application. Comments should not be made to Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council. Any comments made to the prospective applicant are not representations to the local planning authority. If a planning application is subsequently made to Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council, normal neighbourhood notification and publicity will be undertaken, and you will have the opportunity to make formal representations regarding the application at that time.