Newcastle Upon Tyne, Longhirst, Ponteland, Lesbury, Morpeth, Warkworth, Glanton - Various Planning Notices
What is planned?
Northumberland County Council
has received and is required to publicise the following planning applications for the reasons stated below:
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015. Reason: MAJOR major application - Article 15(4), Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990. Reason: LBC Listed Building Consent - Regulation 3, ALB affecting the setting of a listed building - Regulation 5A, ACA affecting the character or appearance of a Conservation Area - Regulation 5A.
24/02178/VARYCO, Cussins (North East) Ltd, Variation of condition 21 (SUDS - to remove reference to pre occupation) pursuant to planning approval 18/03613/OUT, Land East Of Twizell Poultry Farm Twizell Cottages Ponteland Newcastle Upon Tyne NE20 0AL, MAJOR
24/03145/FUL, Mrs Amanda Bonner-Davis, Single storey rear extension, 1 Stable Close Longhirst NE61 3BE, ACA
24/03262/LBC, Bellway Homes (North East) Limited, Listed Building Consent for Installation of tile vents and fascia boards. Replacement of gutter brackets, Aurora House 6 Gideon Walk Jameson Manor Ponteland NE20 0FT, LBC
24/03309/FUL, Neil Harcus, Repairs and associated works to the existing bothy including removal/replacement of existing mono roof and reduction to height of parapet wall, Juniper Whitton Morpeth NE65 7RL, ACA
24/03429/FUL, Lesbury Community Shop Ltd, Replacement of former Shepherd Hut with a secure, non permanent enclosed shelter., Land North And East Of The Post Office Lesbury, ACA
24/03604/FUL, Miss Andrea Bell, Proposed external domestic, disabled lift access and associated works., 108 Newgate Street Morpeth NE61 1DA, ACA
24/03633/VARYCO, Mr Carl Buffoni, Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) on approved application 22/00904/FUL in order to amend some minor changes to the design., Station House Station Cottages Warkworth NE65 0YH, ALB
24/03676/FUL, Glanton Memorial Hall, Photo Voltaic Array to south roof elevation., Glanton Memorial Hall West Turnpike Glanton NE66 4AN, ACA
Visit to view the full application, plans and associated documents. Representations (comments) can be made online or in writing to The Planning Department, County Hall, Morpeth, NE61 2EF within 21 days of the date of this notice. These must include the application reference, your name and full postal address (which will be made available on our website).
Rob Murfin - Director of Planning.
Date: 07.11.24
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