South Staffordshire - Various Planning Applications
What is planned?
Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990: Sections 67 and 73.
Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015: Art. 15
24/00883/ADV - Erection of two freestanding small format Advertising Displays at MRH Retail Limited, Gailey Service Station, Watling Street, Gailey, STAFFORD (Within a Conservation Area)
24/00775/ADV - Erection of a replacement noticeboard on boundary wall. Existing noticeboard in front garden to be removed at Staffordshire County Council, Kinver Library, Vicarage Drive, Kinver, STOURBRIDGE (Within a Conservation Area)
24/00933/FUL - Continuation of the planning granted in 2021 for a single storey Portakabin building used as two additional consultation rooms at Brewood Medical Centre, Kiddemore Green Road, Brewood, STAFFORD, ST19 9BQ (Adjacent to a Conservation Area)
24/00880/FULHH - Proposed greenhouse at 23 Stafford Street, Brewood, STAFFORD, ST19 9DX (Within a Conservation Area)
24/00824/LBC - Removal of internal wall at Whittington Old House, Horse Bridge Lane, Kinver, STOURBRIDGE, DY7 6NX (Listed Building within Conservation Area)
Application details can be viewed online via Representations due by 27 November 2024 can be submitted online using the previous link or emailed to All representations will be made publicly available.
In the event of an appeal that proceeds by way of the expedited procedure, any representations made about the application will be passed to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to make further representations.
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