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Shropshire - Various Planning Applications

SY3 8PGPublished 05/11/24Expired
Shropshire Star • 

What is planned?


Town & Country Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas Act) 1990
Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015

The applications listed below have been deemed as being valid within the previous week. Electronic copies can be seen via Public Access on the Shropshire Council website -
Any person wishing to make representations about any of the applications should do so no later than 24th November 2024. Written representations should be sent to the relevant area office and electronic representations should be submitted via Public Access at Please note that all representations will be made available for public inspection. Should you require any further information please contact the relevant area office, as detailed below.

Northern Planning Area - Tel: 01743 258940
Shropshire Council, PO Box 4826, Shrewsbury, SY1 9LJ

24/04030/FUL - Garage extension and carport at: 131 The Mount Shrewsbury SY3 8PG (CA)

24/04054/FUL - Erection of two storey extension and associated works at: Pentre Cefn Craig-llwyn Trefonen Oswestry SY10 9BJ (LB ROW)

24/04060/FUL - Erection of a conservatory on rear elevation at: Bagley Cottage Benbow Quay Shrewsbury SY1 2DL (CA)


Southern Planning Area - Tel: 01743 258920 Shropshire Council, PO Box 4826, Shrewsbury, SY1 9LJ

24/03685/FUL - Change of use of land, to equestrian, and construction of stabling and hardstanding at: Lower Common Farm House Gatacre Claverley WV5 7AL (ROW)

24/03495/FUL - Installation of replacement oil tank at: 3 Lacon Court Childe Road Cleobury Mortimer

24/04048/REM - Application for approval of reserved matters (access, scale, layout, appearance, and landscaping) for Phase 2b infrastructure & enabling works pursuant to planning permission 19/05560/OUT at: Development Land At Site Of Ironbridge Power Station Buildwas Road Ironbridge (MD)

24/04053/VAR - Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission No. 23/01506/FUL to allow design changes to new agricultural worker's dwelling and enlargement of detached garage at: Proposed Agricultural Workers Dwelling SW Of Garbett Hall Llanfairwaterdine (AM)

24/04063/LBC & 24/04062/FUL - Two storey side and single storey rear extension at: Dairy House Ludstone Claverley WV5 7DE ( LB ROW)

24/03843/FUL & 24/03844/LBC - Conversion of outbuilding to ancillary accommodation and external works to existing patio area at: The Old School House Bucknell SY7 0AB (CA LB)

24/04134/FUL - Erection of rear extension and alteration to existing front porch at: 2 Newport Street Clun Craven Arms SY7 8JZ ( CA)

24/03961/FUL - Demolition of the existing youth center and the erection of a rear extension at: Cleobury Mortimer Methodist Church Lower Street Cleobury Mortimer DY14 8BN (CA)

CA ~ May Affect the Setting or Character of a Conservation Area; EA ~ Environmental Impact Assessment
FP ~ Affects a Footpath; LB ~ May Affect the Setting or Fabric of a Listed Building; ROW ~ May Affect a
Statutory Public Right of Way; MD ~ Constitutes a Major Form of Development; DP ~ Constitutes a
Departure from the Development Plan; WP ~ Need for Wider Publicity; AM – May Affect the Setting of a
Scheduled Ancient Monument

Need to publish a public notice?

If you need to publish a public notice, please contact Shropshire Star directly at:

01902 317878

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