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The Morgan Array Area - Infrastructure Planning and notice of Issue Specific Hearings

FY1 1RZPublished 04/11/24
Blackpool Gazette • 

What is planned?


Notice is hereby given at the dates, times and locations set out below, the following Hearings will be held by the Examining Authority (on behalf of the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero (the “Secretary of State”)) for the examination of the application made by Morgan Offshore Wind Ltd (the "Applicant") of Building B, Chertsey Road, Sunbury on Thames, UK, TW16 7BP for a Development Consent Order (“DCO”) under the Planning Act 2008 (the “Application”). The Application was submitted by the Applicant to the Secretary of State, C/O the Planning Inspectorate on 24/04/2024 and was accepted on 17/05/2024. The reference number applied to the Application by the Planning Inspectorate is EN010136.
The Application is for development consent to construct, operate and decommission the proposed Morgan Generation Assets (the “Project”) located in the east Irish Sea. The Morgan Array Area will have up to 96 offshore wind turbines located wholly within English offshore waters.
Details of the events are as follows:
Dates: Tuesday 26 November 2024 and Wednesday 27 November 2024
Meeting start: 10:00am and 09:30am
Venue: Merchant Suite, Delta Hotels Liverpool City Centre, One Queen Square, Liverpool, L1 1RH, and by virtual means using Microsoft Teams
Attendees: Invited parties who have pre-registered
Start time
Venue and Joining details
Tuesday 26 November 2024
Issue Specific Hearing 2 on Environmental Matters and Other Sea Users (Day 1)
Registration and seating available at venue from: 09:30am
Virtual Registration Process from: 09:30am
Hearing starts: 10:00am
All hearings will be blended events at:
Merchant Suite, Delta Hotels Liverpool City Centre, One Queen Square, Liverpool, L1 1RH
By virtual means using Microsoft Teams
Full instructions on how to join online or by telephone will be provided in advance to those who have pre-registered
Wednesday 27 November 2024
Issue Specific Hearing 2 on Environmental Matters and Other Sea Users (Day 2) (if required)
Registration and seating available at venue from: 09:00am
Virtual Registration Process from: 09:00am
Hearing starts: 09:30am
All hearings will be blended events at:
Merchant Suite, Delta Hotels Liverpool City Centre, One Queen Square, Liverpool, L1 1RH
By virtual means using Microsoft Teams
Full instructions on how to join online or by telephone will be provided in advance to those who have pre-registered
Hearing information
Details regarding examination timeline are set out in the Examining Authority’s Rule 8 and 9 letter available here:
Details regarding attending and speaking at the hearings are set out in the Rule 13 letter available here:
Interested Parties wishing to speak at the Hearings listed are asked to register via the Event Participation Form by 23:59 on Tuesday 12 November 2024 (link provided on page 3 of the Rule 13 letter).
The Hearings will also be held as virtual events, and it will be possible to join them via any standard internet browser or alternatively by telephone dial-in. Full instructions on how to join online or by telephone will be provided in advance to those who have pre-registered. Live streams will also be provided for each Hearing and the link for this will be available on the day at:
Please contact the Planning Inspectorate Case Team by phone (0303 444 5000) or by email ( if you require any support or assistance to attend any of the hearings, either virtually or in person.
Please note that Hearings will be recorded, and the recordings will be published on the Morgan Offshore Wind Project page of the Planning Inspectorate’s website as soon as practicable after each Hearing has taken place.
Further information regarding the Hearings, the examination of the Application, the full timetable (and amendments), how and when to register to speak at the Hearings, and how and when to make written submissions will also be available on the project page of the Planning Inspectorate’s website, in the Rule 8 letter (link above) or by contacting the Planning Inspectorate (details above).
Summary of the Application and Project
The Project consists of the generation assets for a proposed offshore wind farm located in the Irish Sea and associated offshore infrastructure. The wind farm is expected to comprise up to 96 wind turbine generators. At the closest points the array area is 22.2 km from the Isle of Man, 37.1 km from the northwest coast of England and 58.5 km from the Wesh coastline (Anglesey).
The proposed DCO will, among other things, authorise:
a) The construction, operation and decommissioning of up to 96 offshore wind turbine generators and their foundations;
b) The construction, operation and decommissioning of up to four offshore substation platforms (OSP) and their foundations; and
c) The construction of a network of subsea inter-array cables connecting the wind turbine generators and a network of interconnector cables connecting the OSPs.
Environmental Impact Assessment - The Project is an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) development as defined in the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. Consequently, the Applicant has submitted an Environmental Statement as part of the Application. A Non-Technical Summary (“NTS”) of the Environmental Statement is also available.
Viewing the DCO application
All of the DCO application documents, including the application form and all the plans and maps, can be freely viewed on the Planning Inspectorate’s website for the full relevant representations period and throughout the examination period here on the Morgan Offshore Wind Farm Generation Assets project page:
You may also access these online versions of the Morgan DCO documents free-of-charge at the below locations. Please check directly with the facilities to confirm their opening hours, as well as any bookings or registrations that might be required to access the documents digitally through the computers available at the respective locations.
Opening Times
Contact Number
Barrow-in-Furness Library, Ramsden Square, Barrow-in-Furness, United Kingdom, LA14 1LL
Mon – Thurs: 9:30am to 6pm, Fri: 9:30am to 5pm
Sat: 10am to 4pm
Please note: This deposit location is closed on Bank and Public Holidays.

Computer access is free for up to 2 hours per day and charges apply for use beyond this time limit.
01229 407370
Henry Bloom Noble Library, 8 Duke Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2AY
Mon – Weds and Fri: 8:30am to 5pm
Thurs: 10am to 7pm
Sat: 9am to 4pm
01624 696461
Penwortham Community Library, Priory Lane Community Centre, Priory Lane, Penwortham, Lancashire, United Kingdom, Preston PR1 0AR
Tues – Thurs: 10am to 4pm
01772 750533
The Harris Library, The Guild Hall, Lancaster Road, Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom, PR1 1HT
Please note this is a temporary address for this deposit location. This library may change location following the completion of the ‘Harris Your Place’ project
Mon – Sat: 9am to 5pm
Please note: Computer Access ends at 16:40 daily Monday to Saturday and that this library may be closed on Bank and Public Holidays.
0300 123 6703
Ramsey Town Library, Parliament Square, Ramsey, Isle of Man IM8 1RT
Mon – Thurs and Sat: 9am to 4:30pm
Fri: 9am to 4pm
01624 810146
If you require an alternative method for inspection of the DCO application or have any queries, including how to access the documents on the Planning Inspectorate’s website, please call the Applicant on 0800 915 2493 (option 1) or email
The Applicant can also provide any of the documents as required on a USB (free of charge). Hard copies of the NTS can also be provided upon reasonable request. Provision of hard copies of the ES will be subject to a maximum charge of £7,000, plus VAT, to cover printing and delivery costs.
If you require alternative methods for inspection of the Application Documents (for example in large print, audio, or braille formats), contact the Applicant using the details below.
Further information about Morgan can be found on the project website: or by contacting the team at 0800 915 2493 (option 1) or email

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