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Broxbourne - Multiple Planning Applications

EN8 9NEPublished 31/10/24Expired
Hertfordshire Mercury • 

What is planned?


The following applications have been made to Broxbourne Borough Council:

Erection of 4 residential blocks comprising 36 No. two bed units associated vehicular access and parking and shared amenity space (resubmission of 07/21/0668/F) - Land to the North of College Road & Whit Hern Court, Cheshunt - Major Development (Ref: 07/24/0672/F)

Two storey side and rear extension with new render to existing property and extension - 405 Goffs Lane Goffs Oak Hertfordshire EN7 5HQ - Development Affecting Setting of Listed Building (Ref: 07/24/0665/HF)

Listed building consent for window replacement - 2 Cozens Lane East Wormley Hertfordshire EN10 6PX - Listed Building Consent (Ref: 07/24/0769/LB)

Approval of reserved matters pursuant to outline planning permission 07/20/0345/O for access appearance landscaping layout and scale for upto 14 residential self-build plots with a new footpath to the village centre - Springfield and Westgate Nursery Crouch Lane Goffs Oak EN7 6TN - Major Development (Ref: 07/24/0772/RM) Second floor extension to form additional 28 ensuite rooms and 4 kitchens across existing blocks A and B - 11 Amwell Street Hoddesdon Hertfordshire EN11 8TP - Major Development (Ref: 07/24/0773/F)

Installation of an EV charge point to the side of the property (refer to 07/24/0627/LB) - 18 Churchfields Broxbourne Hertfordshire EN10 7JS - Conservation Area (Ref: 07/24/0785/HF)

The above applications may be inspected at or the Borough Offices.

Representations must be made within 14 days from the date of this advert.

Matthew Gallagher Planning Manager (Development Management)

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