Portsmouth - Multiple Planning Notices
What is planned?
The following applications requiring statutory advertisement have been received by the City Council. The codes below indicate the reasons for advertising the applications.
C - Within Conservation Area
M - Major Development
L - Listed Building
207 - 217 Copnor Road [M]
Demolition of the existing builders merchants (Class E) and construction of a part 3, part 4 and part 5 storey residential development to provide 25no. self-contained residential dwellings (Class C3) including associated landscaping, refuse and recycling facilities and car parking (24/01195/FUL)
65A Kingston Crescent [L]
Replacement timber front door and 2no. stained glass panes, repairs to door frame and fan light (24/01237/LBC)
Central Square Gunwharf Quays [C]
Alterations to elevations including installation of digital screen and partial change of use from 'night club' (Sui Generis) to 'Commercial, Business and Service' use (Class E) (24/01197/FUL)
Annesley House Queens Crescent Southsea [C L]
Retention of fencing to existing boundary wall (24/01227/LBC)
12 Wilberforce Road Southsea [C]
Application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 23/01201/HOU to allow amendments to boundary fence and doors/glazing of rear extension (24/01154/VOC)
You can view and comment on these and other applications online at www.portsmouth.gov.uk - Representations should be made to Planning and Economic Growth at the Civic Offices or by e-mail (planningreps@portsmouthcc.gov.uk) by 15th November 2024.
Need to publish a public notice?
If you need to publish a public notice, please contact The News directly at: