Athenaeum Street, Cellar Road, Brookside Terrace - Various Planning Applications
What is planned?
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As amended) Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
Sections 67 and/or 73 and 74 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990
The Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992
The following will be determined under all/part of the above
24/01747/FUL - The Place Athenaeum Street Sunderland. British Esports is applying to the Local Planning Authority for: Change of use from offices (Use class E) to Education (Use class F1) learning and non-residential institution.
24/02090/VAR - Land To The North Of Stone Cellar Road Usworth Washington. Taylor Wimpey is applying to the Local Planning Authority for: Variation of condition 22 (Trees (retained)) attached to planning application 22/00137/FU4 to allow removal of specified trees, suffering from Ash die back.
24/02055/FUL - 6 Brookside Terrace Sunderland SR2 7RN. A Cafasso is applying to the Local Planning Authority for: Internal alterations to provide 1no.additonal bedroom to existing 8 bed HMO.
Copies of the application and plans are available for inspection at City Hall, Plater Way, Sunderland, SR1 3AA, during normal office hours Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm please note this is a self-serve facility. Alternatively, you can make comment and view plans via the internet at within 21 days beginning with the date of publication of this notice.
Patrick Melia OBE
Chief Executive
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