Dreghorn Barracks, Redford Rd - Development of Technical, Accommodation and Support Facilities,
What is planned?
Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997
as amended by The Town and Country Planning
(Development Management Procedure) (Scotland)
Regulations 2013 (Regulation 7(2)(b))
Proposal: The development of technical, accommodation, and support facilities, including a new medical centre, new offices, new accommodation blocks, new stores, new garaging and workshops, a new sports pitch, car parking, diversion of a footpath, and associated hardstanding and internal/boundary fencing alterations.
At: Dreghorn Barracks, Redford Rd, Edinburgh, EH13 9QW.
A public exhibition will take place on Wednesday 30th October 2024 between the hours of 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm at Colinton Bowling Club, 49A Redford Road, Edinburgh, EH13 0AB.
If you wish to make comments on the proposals, you may do so at the
above event and/or in writing to reghornbarracksconsultation@aecom.com.
Please note that all comments must be sent to the above address and are not representations to City of Edinburgh Council. An opportunity to make representations to the Council will exist when a formal application is made.
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If you need to publish a public notice, please contact Edinburgh News directly at: