Doncaster - Various Planning Notices
What is planned?
Notice is given of applications made to the Council for planning permission.
A copy of the applications, plans and other documents submitted can be inspected
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the offices of Development and Planning until 08/11/2024 for all items, unless
otherwise stated.
(Please Note: If one or more public holidays fall within the period for which
consultations/comments are invited one or more extra days will be added to
this period)
Please note your comments will not be acknowledged. However all correspondence
will be made available on the Council’s website for inspection by any member of the
public, and you are able to confirm that we have received your comments by viewing
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Planning Authority.
Major Development
Car Shops Limited Trax Park Decoy Bank South Change of use of existing building
from Sui Generis to use for purposes within Class E, B2 and B8 use 24/01724/
Land To The East of Mere Lane Edenthorpe Details of appearance, landscaping,
layout and scale of design for the erection of 220 dwellings (being matters reserved
in outline application 15/01278/OUTM granted on 05/02/2019)
24/01702/REMM (DCRG)
Land To The East of Mere Lane Edenthorpe Details of Appearance and
Landscaping for infrastructure (being matters reserved in outline application
15/01278/OUTM granted on 05/02/2019). 24/01703/REMM (DCRG)
Public Interest / City of Doncaster Council – Listed Building Consent
18 High Street Hatfield Doncaster Erection of single storey flat roof extension to
the rear, following the demolition of existing extension and detached garage.
24/01799/FUL (DCNW)
Balby Road Methodist Church Balby Road Balby Change of use of a place of
worship (Use Class F1.f) to a community facility (Use Class F2.b) and reconfiguration
of parking layout and associated works 24/00985/FUL (DCNW)
Land At Former Rossington Colliery West End Lane New Rossington Details of
appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale of design for the erection of 128
dwellings on approx 51.70ha of land (being matters reserved in outline application
previously granted under 17/02958/FULM on 27/07/18).
24/01748/REMM (DCMSE)
Affecting Setting of Listed Building or Character of Conservation Area
11 Market Place Doncaster Replacement shop front at ground floor (being
resubmission of 23/01748/FUL) and replacement first floor windows to shopfront
16 - 17 South Parade Doncaster Installation of PV solar panels and air source heat
pumps 24/01538/FUL (DCEC)
17 Market Place Bawtry Doncaster Display of an externally illuminated fascia
signage and projecting sign. 24/01647/ADV (DCHH)
Hills Farm Cottage Barnsley Road Marr Erection of a single storey rear extension.
24/01814/FUL (DCSRD)
Police House Bone Lane Campsall Demolition of existing outbuildings and erection
of new rear and side extensions, with new parking and hard and soft landscaping
24/01663/FUL (DCCMJ)
The Old Butchers Shop Main Street Fishlake Change of use from a cafe to two
separate dwellings (Retrospective) 22/02773/FUL (DCMAR)
West Lodge Sutton Road Campsall Erection of ground floor rear and side
extensions and detached garage, following the demolition of existing extension and
garage. Removal of trees, partial repair of existing wall and erection of 1.8m high
screen fence on-site. 24/01721/FUL (DCSRD)
Listed Building Consent
Balby Road Methodist Church Balby Road Balby Listed Building Consent for
internal and external works associated with a proposed change of use of a
place of worship (Use Class F1.f) to a community facility (Use Class F2.b)
24/00986/LBC (DCNW)
Magdelen 20 Market Place Doncaster Listed Building Consent to replace all sash
windows on the frontage of the building 24/01735/LBC (ENVPL)
Need to publish a public notice?
If you need to publish a public notice, please contact The Star directly at: