Chichester - Multiple Planning Notices
What is planned?
Town and Country Planning Acts 1990 • Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990 • NOTICE IS GIVEN of the following applications made to the Local Planning Authority, for one or more of the following reasons: Affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area; Does Not Accord with the Provisions of the Development Plan; Environmental Assessment; Involves a Listed Building; Major Development; Affects a Public Right of Way. 24/02070/FUL- Punch Pubs-Anglesey Arms Halnaker Boxgrove PO18 0NQ-Remedial repair & fit out internally to provide toilet facilities to existing garage outbuilding. 24/01897/LBC- Ms Bewick - 5 Baffins Court Baffins Lane Chichester PO19 1UA - Erection of 1 no. metal bracket & 1 no. hanging sign on the corner of the building. 24/02090/DOM- Mrs McGreal - 87 Green Lane Chichester PO19 7NU - Replacement & alteration to windows & doors. New render to walls. New dummy pitch slate roof to rear extension. Removal of front garden wall & paving to create off street parking with new paving. Internal alterations. 24/02041/DOM- Mrs Mason - 1 Clayton Cantle Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LU - Erection of new walls & entrance gates. SDNP/24/04019/CND- Mrs Kverndal - Wright Manorwood - The Nook North St Petworth GU28 0DD - Internal works to refurbish ground & first floors (Variation of conditions 3 & 8 from listed building consent SDNP/23/03539/LIS - Amendment to condition wording to allow works which are not related to conditions 3 & 8 to proceed in advance of being discharged). SDNP/24/03689/HOUS- Mr & Mrs Colaco/Jameson - New Quinings Down St West Ashling PO18 8DS - Single storey rear extension & Internal alterations. SDNP/24/03571/FUL- Mr Cummins - Burton Hill House Burton Park Rd Barlavington GU28 0JS - Internal/external alterations & extension to convert 2 separate dwellings back into a 1 no. dwelling. New garage building to provide secure parking forming a walled garden store, wc & glass house workshop. Demolition of 4 no. existing outbuildings. SDNP/24/03879/CND- Mr Burt - Seaford College Sports Hall The Drive East Lavington GU28 0NB - Proposed addition of an indoor cricket lane, golf lane & two new classrooms & office to the rear of the existing sports hall (Removal of condition 7 of permission SDNP/23/00805/CND - existing parking not decreased & proposed works will not result in need for more parking). SDNP/24/03964/LIS- Mr Camping The Lovebug Group Ltd - Dunford Hse Dunford Hollow West Lavington GU29 0AF - Demolition of existing bungalow & change of use of listed building (Use Class C2) to a single dwellinghouse (Use Class C3). SDNP/24/04059/FUL & SDNP/24/04060/LIS- Ms Bolton-Old Tavern First & Second Floor Apartment Market Sq Petworth GU28 0AH - Replacement verandah roof & doors, removal of external shutters & new balcony safety balustrade. Internal alterations inc partial removal of walls on first & second floors, new stud walls, redecoration of stairs & revised layout. SDNP/24/03766/HOUS & SDNP/24/03767/LIS- Mr & Mrs Stokell - Goldrings Kent House Lane East Harting GU31 5LS - Alterations & renovation of an existing outbuilding. SDNP/24/03729/HOUS&SDNP/24/03730/LIS- Mrs Donegan - Old Kingsham Farm Cooks Pond Rd Milland GU30 7JY - Proposed swimming pool & associated landscaping. Deadline for representations 7th November 2024. 24/02069/FUL- Mr Burnham - Land At Tanglewood Kirdford Rd Wisborough Green Billingshurst RH14 0DD - Development of 10 no. dwellings inc landscaping, parking & access. Deadline for representations 31st October 2024. The applications & accompanying plans may be inspected by visiting the Council’s web site or at East Pallant House East Pallant Chichester PO19 1TY between 9am-4pm Monday-Friday.
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