Ewood Lane, Station Road, Towngate, Lister Court, Heather Bank, Ryburn Lane, Westgate, Brighouse Road - Various Planning Applications
What is planned?
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
These applications are either a major application and/or affect a Listed Building/Conservation Area and/or their setting and/or a footpath and/or don’t accord with the provisions of the Development Plan. You can view them and make representations on-line including in public libraries on the Councils website www.calderdale.gov.uk. Comments should be submitted within 21 days of date of publication. Please read our Privacy Notice on the Search and Comment on a Planning Application page on our website before submitting comments as this explains how we deal with your information.
24/00776/LBC Externall mounted antenna to boost WiFi (Listed Building Consent) Widdop Gate Barn Widdop Road Heptonstall
24/00992/FUL & 24/00993/LBC Energy efficiency measures including, roof insulation, Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery (MVHR) unit acting as a heat recovery unit. Air Source Heat Pump, Ceiling mounted Radiant Heat Panels, Radiators. New lighting in main hall, replacement lighting in toilets/stores and kitchen. The Fielden Centre Ewood Lane Todmorden
24/00755/LBC Rear extension 1 - 3 Firth House Firth House Lane Brighouse
24/00910/FUL & 24/00911/LBC Demolition of conservatory replacing with two storey stone extension with accommodation within roof void & internal alterations Station Road Surgery Station Road Sowerby Bridge
24/00902/FUL Internal alterations, external insulation and extension to existing clubhouse. Installation of solar panels and air source heat pump. Works to the wider site to include new playing fields, all cycle track and landscaping works. Bellholme Sports Ground Rochdale Road Todmorden
24/00758/LBC single storey ground floor extension The Old Court House Blackwall Halifax
24/00884/LBC Conversion of an adjoining existing barn, to provide additional living accommodation. Weather Hill Wicking Lane Soyland
24/00949/HSE & 24/00950/LBC Alteration of existing opening including new door/window screen; reinstated (previously stoned-up) opening & new opening. Internal fire-rated glazed door and screen to provide protected means of escape from upper floors. 37 Towngate Heptonstall Hebden Bridge
24/00794/LBC New door opening to rear of property and installation of new wooden casement style heritage windows and wooden stable door 26 Church Street Heptonstall Hebden Bridge
24/00906/FUL Public realm improvement works consisting of new hard and soft landscaping, new and relocated pedestrian access steps, replacement fire escape steps, a net loss of 5 car parking spaces and installation of street furniture, including lighting columns, bollards, boulders and benches. Lister Court Chapeltown Halifax
24/00901/TNO Telecommunications installation to include 25m Monopole on concrete base with 6 Antenna, MHA's and Active Routers to be fixed to Headframe below Antennas and associated ancillary works. Peakstones Farm Soaper Lane Shelf
24/00972/HSE Two storey extension to side, single storey extension to front and installation of new drainage treatment plant 1 Heather Bank Mixenden Halifax
24/01026/LBC Minor internal refurbishment including new flooring, tiling and bar alterations Westgate Hotel 28 Westgate Halifax
24/00908/HSE Proposed side and rear extension including internal alterations Rose Cottage Ryburn Lane Ripponden
24/01015/LBC New Fascia sign, new shopfront colour, artwork change to projecting sign, pigeon spikes above fascia and window ledges. (Part Retrospective) 21 Woolshops Halifax Calderdale
Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (as amended)
Proposed development at Former Southedge Quarry, Brighouse Road, Hipperholme
I give notice that Calderdale Council has granted planning permission for the following development:
Remediation and redevelopment of part of the site for residential development (Use Class C3) with associated access, landscaping, areas of public open space and other associated infrastructure
Planning permission (reference 21/00555/FUL) is subject to conditions which impose restrictions and require works to be undertaken which, in the view of Calderdale Council, reduce and offset potential adverse effects of the development, having regard to the information provided in the Environmental Statement submitted with the application. These conditions and the reasons are set out in the Decision Notice dated 09.10.24.
Members of the public may view an electronic copy of the following documents on-line at: www.calderdale.gov.uk under search applications or by prior appointment
the decision notice and conditions attached to the planning permission to offset the adverse effects on the environment;
* the application, supporting summary, non-technical summary, plans and Environmental Statement submitted;
* consultation responses to the application;
* the officer’s report setting out the main reasons and considerations on which decision was based and details of the public participation process.
This NOTICE has been displayed by Calderdale Council to publicise that Calderdale Council, as a local planning authority, has determined an EIA application.
Richard Seaman
For and on behalf of
Director of Regeneration and Strategy
Date: 10.10.24
Information regarding the right to challenge the validity of this decission and procedures.
The decision to grant planning permission can be challenged by way of a claim for judicial review. The procedures are contained in part 54 of the Civil Procedure Rules and the Courts permission will be required in order for a claim to proceed.
Richard Seaman, Corporate Lead
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