Green Lane, Westhorpe, Lodge Green Road, Park Street, Main Street, Chancery Lane, High Street, Lower Street, Doddington Road - Various Planning Applications
What is planned?
Article 15 of the Town & Country Planning
(Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Applications can be inspected at Select Corby for NC's, East Northamptonshire for NE's, Kettering for NK's and Wellingborough for NW's.
Anyone wishing to comment on an application should write to us within 24 days. For details of how we treat your data, please go to
A NK/2024/0508 Full Planning Permission: Replacement windows to rear at 3 Green Lane, Stoke Albany
A B NK/2024/0515 Application for Listed Building Consent: Replacement windows and enlarge 1 no. window opening. insertion of 1 no. window and infill doorway with reclaimed stone to front at 5 Access Road to Newton House, Newton
A B NK/2024/0539 Application for Listed Building Consent: Replacement roof using reclaimed slates at 5 Westhorpe, Ashley
D NC/24/00314/OUT Outline Planning Permission Outline planning application for the demolition of existing buildings and development of up to 247 dwellings (Use Class C3) including site access, emergency access, open space, drainage and associated works, with all other matters reserved at B A T UK And Export Ltd headway Corby
A NC/24/00305/DPA Full Planning Permission: proposed alteration/extension/conversion of existing combined office/residential unit to form 4 no. residential apartments at 2B Rutherglen Road, Corby
A NC/24/00303/DPA Full Planning Permission: Single storey side and rear extension at 50 Lodge Green Road, Corby
A NE/24/00887/FUL: Single storey rear extension and minor alterations to existing dwelling at 2 Park Street, Kings Cliffe PE8 6XN
A B NE/24/00888/LBC: Single storey rear extension and minor alterations to existing dwelling at 2 Park Street, Kings Cliffe PE8 6XN
B NE/24/00922/LBC: Removal of the non-loadbearing timber stud and plasterboard screen to the end gable wall at ground floor level, including all fixtures and fittings and the three oak doors that form three cupboards. There are two brick piers in place behind the screen that support the hearth above at first floor level. These piers will be retained and used to form a new plastered blockwork feature chimney breast at ground floor level that will incorporate a sandstone fire surround. An allowance will be made to incorporate a wood burning stove at a later date with the flue connected to the existing flue at first floor level. New purpose-built alcove shelving will be built into the recesses to either side of the new chimneybreast. The existing laminate floor finishes will be removed and new engineered oak floorboards laid on a 5mm underlay onto the existing concrete floor slab. The existing radiators will be removed and 2 no. new Electrorad Aeroflow electric radiators installed in their place at St Peters Cottage, 57 - 61 Main Street, Aldwincle NN14 3EL
A NE/24/00939/VAR: Variation of Condition 3 (approved plans) to allow for the increase depth of kitchen extension by 1.5m, increase from 5.0m to 6.5m from existing house. Increase in patio doors to south elevation of kitchen to 3.6m and increase in roof light size to kitchen roof to 2.0m. Verge over-hang to main house increased to 300mm to match new extension pursuant to NE/24/00363/FUL - Two storey front and side extension and single storey rear extension to dwelling; and single storey extension to garage and open cart shed at 24 Park Street, Kings Cliffe PE8 6XN
A B NE/24/00948/LBC: Proposed repainting of windows and doors, replacement of felt bay roofing with lead, repair of windows where noted and the replacement of windows and doors where noted at 7 Chancery Lane, Thrapston NN14 4JL
A B NE/24/00950/LBC: Replacement of the existing 20th century windows to the front and rear elevations and replace them with timber flush fitting casement windows (retrospective) at 14 Main Street, Fotheringhay PE8 5HZ
A B NE/24/00955/LBC: Proposed infill works to existing wall court area comprising new suspended floor and infill flat roof with flat roof light to provide accommodation area (re-submission of NE/24/00185/FUL) at 35 High Street, Brigstock NN14 3HA
A NE/24/00961/VAR: Variation of condition 12 (approved plans) to allow for construction of a basement below the kitchen/dining room area and patio area; amendments to include new basement layout drawing 290922/5, amended elevation drawings 230924/6 and 230924/7 and amended site layout 230924/3A pursuant to NE/22/01244/FUL: Proposed new dwelling, at land adjacent and rear of 43 West Street, Kings Cliffe PE8 6XB
A NW/24/00489/FUL: Replace the original hardwood windows and doors with UPVC woodgrain effect in colour Heritage Pebble Grey at 38 Lower Street, Great Doddington, Wellingborough NN29 7TL
D NW/24/00063/FUL: Demolition of the existing building and the erection of a two-storey apartment block containing 26 apartments for the over 55's (consisting of 24 x 1 bed and 2 x 2 bed) parking, landscaping, retention of access and associated works. (UPDATED PLANS/INFORMATION RECEIVED 1 OCTOBER 2024) at Southwood House, 45 Doddington Road, Wellingborough NN8 2JH
A Affects a Conservation Area
B For Listed Building Consent
D Major development
Date of Notice: 17 October 2024
George Candler, Executive Director Place and Economy
Corby Office, Deene House, New Post Office Square, Corby, NN17 1GD
Kettering Office, Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering, NN15 7QX
Thrapston Office, Cedar Drive, Thrapston, NN14 4LZ
Wellingborough Office, Swanspool House, Doddington Road, Wellingborough, NN8 1BP
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