Exeter City - Planning Application
What is planned?
These applications are available to view on our website www.exeter.gov.uk/planning - Representations of objection, comment or support can be made via our website, or by email to the assigned Case Officer, within 24 days of this notice.
DEVELOPMENT AFFECTING THE SETTING OF A LISTED BUILDING (LB) AND/OR THE CHARACTER OR APPEARANCE OF A CONSERVATION AREA (CA) 2 Cathedral Court, Southernhay East. Change of use of part of ground floor from medical centre (Class E) to a two bedroom apartment (Class C3).
24/1128/FUL (CA&LB) 11 West Street. Change of use from class E to sui generis for use as a tattoo studio. 24/1168/FUL (CA)
Wynards, Magdalen Street. New staircase to Minstrels’ Gallery. 24/1156/LBC
2 Cathedral Court, Southernhay East. Conversion of part of ground floor to create a self-contained flat including replacement of door with window on north elevation and internal alterations involving walls and doors.
24/1129/LBC RE-ADVERTISEMENT Land to the South of Oxygen House and North of Emperor House, Grenadier Road. Relocation and replacement of existing surface carpark to include solar charging canopies, landscaping enhancements to provide ancillary facilities to Oxygen House, including external pod meeting room, and provision of a solar photovoltaic array. (Revised).
23/1223/FUL DEPARTURE FROM THE ADOPTED LOCAL PLAN Topsham Golf Academy, Exeter Road, Topsham. Demolition of existing buildings/structures. Proposed residential development of 54 no. residential units, including affordable housing, plus open space, landscaping, car parking, drainage, vehicular access, internal roads and all associated infrastructure and development. 24/0785/FUL
17th October 2024
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