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Tomfyne Farm, Mailings Road, Banton, North Lanarkshire - Planning Application

G65 0RJPublished 02/10/24Expired
Glasgow World • 

What is planned?



The proposed development at Tomfyne Farm, Mailings Road, Banton, North Lanarkshire is subject to environmental impact assessment (EIA) under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2011.

Notice is hereby given that an EIA Environmental Statement Addendum has been submitted to North Lanarkshire Council by Aggregate Industries UK Ltd relating to an application for planning permission in respect of Part 1:
Extraction of 350, 000 Tonnes per Annum of Hard Rock over a 21 Year Period and Associated Landscape, Earth Works and Access Road Upgrade.(Tomfyne Farm, Banton, North Lanarkshire G65 0RJ) Part 2: Restoration of Cowdenhill Quarry Void including upgrading of access road leading to A803 (Cowdenhill Quarry, Kilsyth Road, Banknock, Falkirk (FK4 1TX) (application number 12/00729/FUL).

Possible decisions relating to the planning application are:- (i) approval of the application without conditions, (ii) approval of the application with conditions; or (iii) refusal of the applications.

Copies of the EIA Environmental Statement Addendum report, the associated application and other documents submitted with the application may be inspected online at: by following the links to ‘planning’ and ‘view and comment on planning applications’ and entering the reference number 12/00729/FUL. Access to the internet to view these documents is available at North Lanarkshire Council libraries.

Paper copies of the EIA Environmental Statement Addendum Report may be purchased from Ironside Farrar Ltd (stating Tomfyne and Cowdenhill in correspondence), for £150 (or £15 for an electronic copy) at 111 McDonald Road, Edinburgh, EH7 4NW. Tel: 0131 550 6500 Email:mail@ironsidefarrar. com

Any person who wishes to make further representations to North Lanarkshire Council about the EIA Environmental Statement Addendum should make them within 30 days of the date of this notice either (i) in writing to Planning and Place at Civic Centre, Windmillhill Street, Motherwell ML1 1AB, (ii) by email to, or (iii) online at using the ‘comment’ feature on the information page for this application.

All representations must be dated and include the full name and address of those making representations. Please note that all representations require to be open to public inspection and will be published on the Council’s website, although sensitive personal information such as signatures, email address and phone numbers will be redacted.

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