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Corby, Kettering and Thrapston Area - Various Planning Applications

NN14Published 19/09/24Expired
Northamptonshire Telegraph • 

What is planned?

Article 15 of the Town & Country Planning
(Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990

Applications can be inspected at Select Corby for NC's, East Northamptonshire for NE's and Kettering for NK's.
Anyone wishing to comment on an application should write to us within 24 days. For details of how we treat your data, please go to
A B NK/2024/0436 Application for Listed Building Consent: Replacement boiler at Mayfield, 4 Corby Road, Little Oakley
B A NK/2024/0440 Application for Listed Building Consent: Converting existing utility room, storage and outbuildings to gym, sauna, steam room, changing room and shower room. Addition of rooflight at The Priory, Grafton Road, Geddington
C A NK/2024/0453 s.73 Application: Removal of condition 5 of NK/2024/0247 in respect of programme of archaeological work at George Hotel, George Street, Kettering
C A NK/2024/0486 Full Planning Permission: Two storey side extension with dormer to front, alter two windows to one window on front elevation, alter one window to door and two windows and 4 no. rooflights to rear elevation at Orchard House, Westhorpe, Ashley
D I R NK/2024/0490 Approval of Reserved Matters (EIA): Appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for Unit 3 in respect of KET/2018/0965 (Class B8 warehousing and distribution, ancillary Class B1(a) offices, associated access, internal roads, parking, landscaping and drainage) at Kettering South (land at), (off A509 north of Isham), Kettering
C A NK/2024/0495 s.73A Retrospective Application: Covered pergola to existing side courtyard (retrospective) at The White Horse Inn, Harborough Road, Stoke Albany
A B NK/2024/0496 Application for Listed Building Consent: Covered pergola to existing side courtyard at The White Horse Inn, Harborough Road, Stoke Albany
A B NK/2024/0504 Application for Listed Building Consent: Insertion of additional window to ground floor rear at The Old Bakery 24 Church Way, Thorpe Malsor
A NC/24/00281/DPA Full Planning Permission: Single storey side extension at 30 Rowlett Road, Corby
E NC/24/00275/CON Discharge of Conditions - Details Pursuant to the S.106 Obligation for Phase 1 Affordable Housing Scheme relating to Outline Approval Ref 17/00180/OUT dated 11/12/2019 and section 106 agreement dated 12/12/2019 at West Corby Urban Extension, Uppingham Road, Corby Borough Council
B NC/24/00267/LBC Listed Building Consent: Repairs to fireplace and minor changes to chimney to meet current safety regulations at 74 High Street, Gretton
B NC/24/00265/LBC Listed Building Consent: Planning application for the replacement of all windows at the above-mentioned property. The property has recently undergone a Level 3 Survey Report by a RICS Surveyor, which has highlighted that the current windows are in poor condition, with extensive rot and damage. The report recommends the urgent replacement of all windows to prevent further deterioration of the property at 83 High Street, Corby
A NC/24/00264/DPA Full Planning Permission: Construction of 1800 mm high wall in random coursed sandstone to match existing together with a 1800 mm high timber fence between concrete posts. Farm style gate to be erected 5m back from highway at 33 High Street, Gretton
A NC/24/00263/DPA Full Planning Permission: proposed new dwelling, together with single storey extension and alterations to existing at 15 Woodfield Grove, Corby
D NC/24/00252/DPA Full Planning Permission: Application for planning permission for the development of Parcel E3 for residential development of 97 dwellings (C3), internal secondary and tertiary streets, parking, connections to the surrounding highway, landscaping, associated drainage and utilities infrastructure and any necessary earthworks / ground remodelling Parcel E3 Zone 1 at Priors Hall Development Site, Stamford Road, Weldon
D NC/24/00253/DPA Full Planning Permission: Full planning application for the development of 53 no. retirement apartments (Use Class C3), including vehicular access, car parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure at Old Station Yard, Station Road, Corby
A NC/24/00251/DPA Full Planning Permission: Demolition and reconstruction of existing collapsed boundary wall at 6 Blind Lane, Cottingham
D NC/24/00250/DPA Full Planning Permission: Erection of 1no. flexible employment unit (Class E (g) [ii] [iii], B2, and/or B8), together with the creation of a new vehicular access to North Folds Road and associated parking, servicing, and landscaping works at Development Land, North Folds Road, Corby
A NE/24/00627/FUL: Replacement bi-fold door to rear at Holly House, 43B West Street, Kings Cliffe PE8 6XB
B NE/24/00766/LBC: Works for the mill have been completed, with minor variations to the approved plans - full list of works as per part 5 (Impact and Justification) of the Heritage Impact Justification and Design and Access Statement (retrospective) at Perio Mill House, Cotterstock Road, Fotheringhay PE8 5HU
C NE/24/00858/FUL: Install solar PV panels to both roofslopes of garage/outbuilding at The Farmhouse, Nottinghams Yard, Blatherwycke Road, Bulwick NN17 3EU
A C NE/24/00864/FUL: Replacement UPVC windows and doors at 3A Church Row, Polebrook PE8 5LT
A NE/24/00867/FUL: Internal alteration, construction of extension and conservatory at Berryfield, Oundle Road, Polebrook PE8 5LQ
A Affects a Conservation Area
B For Listed Building Consent
C Affects the Setting of a Listed Building
D Major Development
E Public Information
I Subsequent EIA Application
R Railway Land (within 10m)
Date of Notice: 19 September 2024
George Candler, Executive Director Place and Economy
Corby Office, Deene House, New Post Office Square, Corby, NN17 1GD
Kettering Office, Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering, NN15 7QX
Thrapston Office, Cedar Drive, Thrapston, NN14 4LZ

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