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Grafton Gate - Appeal by Galliford Try Investments

MK9 1ATPublished 19/09/24Expired
Milton Keynes Citizen • 

What is planned?


MAJOR DEVELOPMENT – APPEAL INQUIRY Appeal by Galliford Try Investments (GTI) - Appeal ref: APP/Y0435/W/24/3344711 AGAINST REFUSAL FOR: Demolition of vacant 2-storey building (Class E) and the erection of a 33-storey building comprising commercial floorspace (Class E) on the ground floor and mezzanine level with residential units on upper floors comprising up to 302 dwellings and associated works. EIA development AT Jaipur And Orchard Lounge, 599 Grafton Gate, Central Milton Keynes. Information relating to the appeal can be viewed at

Head of Planning

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