Writtenstone Lane - Planning permission and Listed Building Consent
What is planned?
Notice is given that the Council has received the following application/s for planning permission and/or listed building consent which involve development in a conservation area and/or affecting a listed building and/or affecting a
Public Right of Way:-
AT: Writtenstone Farm Writtenstone Lane Longridge PR3 2ZN
FOR: Planning permission and Listed Building Consent for proposed
conversion of barn 1 to two-storey, four bedroom dwelling; demolition of outbuilding 1 and construction of new double garage; construction of new roof and conversion of outbuilding 2 to form single-storey incidental domestic hobby space; creation of new vehicular access, garden and landscaping; new sewage treatment plant and diversion of public footpath.
Application number: 3/2024/0622 and 3/2024/0623
The application documents may be viewed in the Planning Department by
appointment or via the website at: www.ribblevalley.gov.uk/planning-applications
Representations on the above application/s should be made in writing within 21 days from the date of this Notice as, after this date, the Council is entitled to make a decision. You can comment online, by email or write to the Director of Development, Council Offices, Church Walk, Clitheroe, BB7 2RA quoting the application number. Any representations received will be available for inspection by members of the public on the website and in the Planning Department, and will be sent to the Secretary of State in the event of an appeal against a refusal of planning permission. For information on how the Council collects, uses and stores personal information in
order to determine planning applications please see the Council’s Privacy Policy for Planning at:
Date 18th September 2024
Need to publish a public notice?
If you need to publish a public notice, please contact Burnley Express directly at: