Warwick Street, Chesham Street, Milverton Crescent, Warwick New Road, Case Lane - Various Planning Applications
What is planned?
ACT 1990 - SECTIONS 67 AND 73
Comments or representations can be made online,
emailed to planningenquiries@warwickdc.gov.uk
or sent to the address below within 14 days of this
advert. All representations received will be displayed
on the Council’s website.
Date: 13/09/2024
Warwick District Council, Development Services,
Riverside House, Milverton Hill, Royal Leamington Spa,
Warwickshire, CV32 5QH Tel: (01926) 456536
Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Warwick
District Council for Listed Building Consent or Conservation Area Consent
and/or planning permission in respect of applications scheduled below.
W/24/1071 44-46 Parade & 62 - 64 Warwick Street, Leamington Spa, CV32
4DD: Change of use of part ground floor, part first floor and all of the 2nd and
3rd floors (Class E) to form 5no. 1-Bed apartments (Class C3) with associated
internal and external alterations. for Foster Property Holdings Limited.
W/24/1072/LB 44-46 Parade & 62 - 64 Warwick Street, Leamington Spa, CV32
4DD: Listed building consent for change of use of part ground floor, part first
floor and all of the 2nd and 3rd floors (Class E) to form 5no. 1-Bed apartments
(Class C3) with associated internal and external alterations. for Foster Property
Holdings Limited.
W/24/1104 27 Chesham Street, Leamington Spa, CV31 1JS: Erection of a
single storey courtyard infill extension. Partial render. for Mr and Mrs Regler.
W/24/1114 16 Milverton Crescent, Leamington Spa, CV32 5NG: Installation of
a new zinc roof and doors to garage, support and repairs to verandah, repairs
and new double glazed sashes to some windows, replacement velux windows,
existing slate roof re-laid and erection of a shed in the rear garden. for Mr & Mrs
W/24/1115/LB 16 Milverton Crescent, Leamington Spa, CV32 5NG: Installation
of a new zinc roof and doors to garage, support and repairs to verandah, repairs
and new double glazed sashes to some windows, replacement velux windows,
existing slate roof re-laid, erection of a shed in the rear garden and various
internal alterations. for Mr & Mrs Heslop.
W/24/1129 Flat 2, 6 Warwick New Road, Leamington Spa, CV32 5JF: Change
of use of 2 bedroom apartment (Use class C3) to a 3 bedroom House in Multiple
Occupation (Use class C4). for Greenbull Ltd.
W/24/1158 3 Victoria Road, Leamington Spa, CV31 3PX: Change of use from
a 4 bedroom dwelling (C3) to a 4 bedroom HMO (C4) [Retrospective] for Mr A
W/23/1565/LB Whitley Elm Cottages, Case Lane, Rowington, Warwick, CV35
7JE: Erection of single storey extensions to create ancillary accommodation
for the existing business, amendments to fenestration and internal alterations.
Conversion of existing ancillary space to enlarge existing dwelling. for Mr
W/24/1074 4 The Courtyard, Bridge End, Warwick, CV34 6PD: Retrospective
application installation of flue for log burner for Mr. Carroll.
(Development Management Procedure)(England) Order 2010 Notice under Article 13)
[IMD] Major Development [ARW] Development Affecting Public Right of Way
[CDP] Departure from Development
[SEA] Application Requiring Plan Environmental Assessment
[OD] Other Development [PBI] In the Public Interest
W/24/1031 Development of Plot 1001 for employment building. Approval sought
for the design, scale, siting, access and landscaping for this plot. at Tournament
Fields Business Park, 1001 Edgehill Drive, Warwick, CV34 6XQ for Barberry.
W/24/1107 Proposed installation of a Groundtrax CellPave AP ‘no-dig’ anchored
ground reinforcement paving tile to create a carparking area for 74 carparking
spaces on a portion of the existing sports field for a temporary period of 18
months until 14th February 2026. at Warwickshire Police Headquarters,
Woodcote Lane, Leek Wootton, Warwick, CV35 7QB for OPCC Warwickshire.
W/24/1134 Application for approval of Reserved Matters (appearance and
landscaping) pursuant to outline permission
W/19/0531 for the erection of two no. blocks of residential accommodation of
up to 90 bed spaces together with undercroft parking. at Units 2, 2A and 3,
Milverton House, Court Street, Leamington Spa, CV31 2BB for Chalice Build.
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