Cramlington, Whitley Bay - Various Planning Applications
What is planned?
Northumberland County Council
has received and is required to publicise the following planning applications for the reasons stated below:
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015. Reason: MAJOR major application - Article 15(4), Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990. Reason: LBC Listed Building Consent - Regulation 3, ALB affecting the setting of a listed building - Regulation 5A, ACA affecting the character or appearance of a Conservation Area - Regulation 5A.
24/02817/FUL, Adventure Forest Ltd, Construction of high ropes course and installation of reception, storage and staff room containers., Land West Of Northumberlandia Visitor Centre Cramlington , MAJOR, ,
24/02932/FUL, C/O Marcus Francis - BES Ltd, Hybrid application to include early works to relocate car park, erect realigned fence, service road, creation of separated access and egress connecting to Shotton Lane via an additional link via a new access barrier and landscaping in detail. Outline planning permission (all matters reserved) for a 7,000m2 packing hall over two floors (upper floor for plant and office accommodation), a amenity hub set, distribution warehouse with dock levellers, improved and enlarged car parking and enhanced soft landscaping., Organon Pharma UK Ltd Shotton Lane Cramlington NE23 3JU, MAJOR, ,
24/02996/VARYCO, Miss Catherine Hine, Variation of condition 3 on approved application 22/03863/FUL from flush casement windows to windows to reflect mouldings/casement style in situ, The Byre Lookout Farm The Avenue Seaton Delaval Whitley Bay NE26 4QN, ACA, ALB,
24/02997/VARYCO, Miss Catherine Hine, Variation of condition 3 on approved application 22/03865/LBC from flush casement windows to windows to reflect mouldings/casement style in situ, The Byre Lookout Farm The Avenue Seaton Delaval Whitley Bay NE26 4QN, LBC, ,
Visit to view the full application, plans and associated documents. Representations (comments) can be made online or in writing to The Planning Department, County Hall, Morpeth, NE61 2EF within 21 days of the date of this notice. These must include the application reference, your name and full postal address (which will be made available on our website).
Rob Murfin - Director of Planning.
Date: 13.09.24
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