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Milton Keynes - Multiple Planning Notices

MK6 5LDPublished 12/09/24
Milton Keynes Citizen • 

What is planned?


Representations, if any, to be submitted in writing to within 21 days of the publication of this notice.
Approval of details required by conditions 4 (Stonework Sample Panel), 5 (Repointing Sample Panel) and 6 (Mortar Mix Details) of permission ref. 24/01085/LBC at Wardens Accommodation, Bradwell Village Youth Hostel, Vicarage Road, Bradwell.
Variation of condition(s) 1 (Approved Plans), 3 (CEMP), 4 (Levels) and 9 (Drainage) seeking the introduction of windows to the stair cores, and seeking to amend conditions 3,4 and 9 to compliance conditions through the submission of a levels plan, drainage information and a construction and environmental management plan (CEMP) (relating to permission ref. 21/00427/FUL Erection of Multi Storey Car Park) at Milton Keynes University Hospital, Standing Way, Eaglestone.
External retrofit of 161 dwellings owned by MKCC to improve the longevity of the buildings by upgrading the thermal performance and materials of walls, roofs, windows and doors to improve air tightness and means of controlled ventilation (Regulation 3 application under the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992). at 161 Properties On Crispin Road, Harrowden And Kingsfold, Bradville.
Proposed new plant at roof level at Lloyds Court, North Row, Central Milton Keynes,.
Proposed First Floor and Single Storey Rear Extension at 122 Cambridge Street, Wolverton.
The erection of 81 residential dwellings with access, parking, landscaping and associated works along with provision for 8 traveller pitches and the construction of a store ancillary to Taylor Wimpey offices at Employment Land 2 & 3, Newton Leys.
Replacement of 3x existing roof condensers for air conditioning system to retail store at 26 - 28 Midsummer Arcade, Central Milton Keynes.
Approval of details required by condition 3 (Tile samples) condition 4 (Brick and mortar samples) of permission ref. 24/00455/LBC at The Talbot Inn, 33 London Road, Loughton.
The erection of a single storey rear extension, re-roofing the garage and stables and installation of a new timber boarded ceiling to the vaulted ceiling in the stable building at Wavendon Manor , 18 Cross End, Wavendon.
Listed Building Consent for the erection of a single storey rear extension, re-roofing the garage and stables and installation of a new timber boarded ceiling to the vaulted ceiling in the stable building at Wavendon Manor , 18 Cross End, Wavendon.
The removal of existing and installation of new roof plant equipment in same location at 85 - 87 Silbury Arcade, Central Milton Keynes.
Listed Building Consent for the removal of existing, and installation of new, roof plant equipment in same location at 85 - 87 Silbury Arcade, Central Milton Keynes.

Head of Planning

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