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Land North Fackley Road, Teversal - Planning Appeal Amendment

NG17 3HNPublished 11/09/24Expired
Mansfield Chad • 

What is planned?

Planning Appeal Amendment
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended)
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) England (Order)
2015 (DMPO)

Location: Land North Fackley Road, Teversal, Sutton in Ashfield, NG17 3HN.
Application Reference: V/2022/0294
Appeal Reference: APP/W3005/W/24/3345033
Description of Development: Development of 124No. Dwellings, Access, Attenuation Basin and Associated Landscaping and Infrastructure.

This planning application has been appealed and the Appellant is seeking to make a minor amendment to reduce the red-line boundary of the application site.

We have placed the amended plans on a website for members of the public to make comments:

Any representations can be made by email to:
or in writing to Marrons, Waterfront House, Waterfront Plaza, 35 Station Street, Nottingham,

All comments must be made by 23rd September 2024.

Need to publish a public notice?

If you need to publish a public notice, please contact Mansfield Chad directly at:


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