Portsmouth - Various Planning Applications
What is planned?
The following applications requiring statutory advertisement have been received by the City Council.
The codes in the right hand column indicate the reasons for advertising the applications.
C - Within Conservation Area
M - Major Development
L - Listed Building
EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment
134-142 Commercial Road [M ]
Outline application for redevelopment of site to include demolition of existing former retail store (Class E) and the construction of 4 replacement buildings of 5, 16, 24 and up to 36 storeys in height accommodating ground floor retail units (Class E(a) - 1,058sqm), commercial office space and gym (Class E(g)(i) - 3,600sqm) and community space (Class F2 - 300sqm) and 569 apartments (267 x 1-bedroom; 269 x 2-bedroom; and 33 x 3-bedroom) with access, layout and scale only to be considered at this stage (appearance and landscaping to be reserved matters) (24/00650/OUT)
Southsea Seafront From Long Curtain Moat In The West To Eastney Marine Barracks In The East [EIA C ]
Application to vary condition 1 (approved plans) of planning permission 23/00896/VOC : flood and coastal erosion management scheme comprising a combination of vertical sea wall, raising and realignment of the promenade, construction of stepped revetment, rock armour revetments and groynes, secondary defence walls and bunds, beach widening and management, and all associated works, highway alterations, removal of trees and landscaping. Scheme includes the removal and repositioning of 34no. Grade II Listed lamp columns, 3no. Grade II Listed shelters and 6no. Grade II Listed monuments, works affecting the Grade II Listed South Parade Pier, regrading and works to the Grade II Listed Southsea Common and works to the Grade I Listed Naval Memorial (the proposal constitutes EIA development). This application, under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, seeks approval of amended plans primarily relating to subfrontage 2 (Clarence Pier) and is accompanied by the original environmental statement [July 2019] with the first addendum [May 2021], second addendum [December 2022] third addendum October 2023) and new addendum [August 2024] and updated appendices. (24/00987/VOC)
1 Clifton Terrace Southsea [L C ]
Alterations to include enlargement of existing rear dormer, finished in slates to match existing &
new felt roof and railings to existing front boundary wall (24/01023/HOU & 24/01024/LBC)
Trafalgar Monument Clarence Esplanade Southsea [C L ]
Installation of new railing and natural stone paving around the Trafalgar Monument with
associated cleaning and repairs if necessary (24/00988/LBC)
You can view and comment on these and other applications online at www.portsmouth.gov.uk Representations should be made to Planning and Economic Growth at the Civic Offices or by e-mail (planningreps@portsmouthcc.gov.uk) by 27th September 2024.
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