Spiorad na Mara Offshore Wind Farm - To Construct Onshore Transmission Works
What is planned?
Public Notice
Spiorad na Mara Offshore Wind Farm – Associated Onshore Transmission Infrastructure
Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended)
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2013
Pre-Application Public Consultation
Notice is hereby given that Spiorad na Mara Limited (Company Number SC717716 with registered office at the Regus Building, 1st Floor, 93 George Street, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, EH2 3ES) intends to submit an application for full planning permission under the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended) to construct onshore transmission works in association with the Spiorad na Mara Offshore Wind Farm. The onshore works, landward of the Mean Low Water Mark (MLWM) for the proposed Spiorad na Mara Offshore Wind Farm consists of:
6-8 cables exporting electricity from the offshore wind farm to transition joint bays (TJBs) at one of three potential landfall locations between Arnol and Baile an Truiseil on the west side of the Isle of Lewis;
up to 2 onshore substations being:
a Landfall Substation (if required) to be located close to the final selected landfall location and TJBs
a Grid Substation located near the Arnish Moors and the proposed Scottish and Southern Energy Networks (SSEN) Converter Station;
2 export cable circuits linking the TJBs to the Landfall Substation and subsequently to the Grid Substation, or (in the event that a landfall substation is not required) 2 export cable circuits linking the TJBs to the Grid Substation; and
export cables from the Grid Substation to the SSEN Converter Station.
associated infrastructure including (but not limited to):
temporary construction compounds landscaping;
parking/servicing areas; and
access tracks and road alterations.
The location of the proposed Onshore transmission infrastructure works landward of the Mean Low Water Mark (MLWM) include potential landfall locations between Arnol and Baile an Truiseil on the west coast of the Isle of Lewis, with a cable corridor linking the landfall locations south of the A858 and A857 roads, before following the route of the A857 south east across towards Stornoway before deviating from the road to the west of Stornoway culminating east of Creed Industrial Park.
Information about the proposed onshore transmission works and the Spiorad na Mara Offshore Wind Farm can be obtained at the following pre-application consultation events, held at the times and locations below. The consultations will provide an opportunity for the public and stakeholders to obtain information about, and to consider and comment on, the prospective application(s).
Tuesday 24th September 2024
Clan MacQuarrie Centre,
Borve, Isle of Lewis HS2 0RY 3 – 8pm
Wednesday 25th September 2024
Barvas & Brue Community Centre,
Barvas, Isle of Lewis HS2 0RA 3 – 8pm
Thursday 26th September 2024
Old School Shawbost, 43 N Shawbost,
Isle of Lewis HS2 9BQ 3 – 8pm
Monday 30th September 2024
Stornoway Town Hall, 20 South Beach,
Stornoway HS1 2BJ 3 – 8pm
Tuesday 1st October 2024
Carloway Community Centre, Knock,
Carloway,Isle of Lewis HS2 9AU 3 – 8pm
Wednesday 2nd October 2024
Uig Community Hall, Uig, Isle of Lewis 3 – 8pm
Thursday 3rd October 2024
Great Bernera Community Centre,
Breaclete, Great Bernera, Isle of Lewis 3 – 8pm
Information about the Project can also be obtained in a virtual exhibition available 24 hours a day from 23rd September 2024 to 23rd October 2024 accessed via the project website https://northlandpowerscotwind.co.uk/spiorad-na-mara/. Further information about the project is also available, at all times, on the same project website.
There are multiple ways that people can provide feedback during this consultation process, including:
Completing an online feedback form via the project website https://northlandpowerscotwind.co.uk/spiorad-na-mara/;
Completing a hard copy feedback form at a public consultation event and leaving it with us, or sending it back to us by post at Spiorad na Mara Office, UHI Lews Castle Campus (2nd floor), Stornoway, HS2 0XR;
Contacting us directly via spioradnamara@northlandpower.com;
Calling our project phone number +44 7396818000.
Comments should be dated and clearly state the name (in block capitals) and full return email or postal address of those making the comment.
All comments need to be received by 5pm Friday 25th October 2024.
Please note that all feedback provided during this consultation process will be to the Spiorad na Mara project team and not to the Comhairle nan Eilean Siar. There will be an opportunity to make submissions to the Comhairle nan Eilean Siar once the project submits its application(s) and associated Environmental Impact Assessment Report, at a later date.
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