Siskins Jefferies Lane, Charnwood Court 2 Farncombe Road Worthing & 15 Warwick Place Worthing - Planning Applications
What is planned?
Planning applications submitted to Worthing Borough Council under the Town and Country Planning Acts and related legislation requiring statutory publicity.
Applications registered between 23rd August 2024 and 30th August 2024
AWDM/0999/24 Siskins Jefferies Lane Worthing
Section 211 Notice under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to reduce crown height and radial spread by up to 1.5 metres to previous points, Magnolia trees T1 and T2 in the Goring Conservation Area
AWDM/1115/24 Charnwood Court 2 Farncombe Road Worthing
Application for consent under Worthing Tree Preservation Order No.11 of 2002 to reduce crown height and radial spread by up to 3 metres and remove deadwood one Tulip tree T1
AWDM/1117/24 15 Warwick Place Worthing
Application for consent under Worthing Tree Preservation Order No.14 of 1992 to reduce crown height and radial spread by up to 2 metres and crown thin 15% one Sycamore tree T5
Applications can be viewed on the Council’s web site at or electronically at Worthing Town Hall, Chapel Road, Worthing between 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday. Representations should be submitted by email using the online form on our website (including your postal address on the email) or by writing to me at the address below, so that they are received by me not later than 21 days from the date of publication of this notice in the case of applications involving listed buildings or within conservation areas, or 14 days for all other applications.
Stephen Cantwell
Interim Planning Services Manager
Worthing Town Hall
Chapel Road
West Sussex
BN11 1HA
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