Stainforth, Tickhill, Bilham, Braithwell - Various Planning Applications
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the offices of Development and Planning until 27th September 2024 for all items,
unless otherwise stated.
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which consultations/comments are invited one or more extra days will be added
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Departure from the Development Plan
Land On The South West Side Off Waggons Way Stainforth - Removal or variation
of condition 9 of application 19/01624/FUL (granted permission on appeal - APP/
F4410/W/21/3270719 - date 14/02/2022);
‘Change of use of land for Travelling Show peoples’ yards to accommodate 8 family
unit (resubmission of application 18/00724/FUL refused 30/11/2018)’
- submission of scheme including Biodiversity Net Gain calculations to deliver a
minimum of 10% Bio-Diversity Net Gain. 24/01490/FUL (DCMAR)
Affecting Setting of Listed Building or Character of Conservation Area
1 Greystone Close Tickhill - Erection of a single storey porch to the front of
property and single storey rear extension with internal alterations.
24/01482/FUL (DCHH)
Bilham Lodge Street Lane Bilham - Demolition of existing bathroom extension and
outbuildings and erection of a new single storey rear extension, exterior repair/
replacement works and rebuilding of yard wall and gate 24/01376/FUL (DCCMJ)
Affecting Setting of Listed Building or Character of Conservation Area / City of
Doncaster Council – Listed Building Consent
Land Adjacent To Hall Farm Maltby Lane Braithwell - Erection of 7 new dwellings,
conversion of existing two storey barn into 2 dwellings and construction of access,
following demolition of existing single storey barns 24/00763/FUL (DCSB)
Affecting Setting of Listed Building or Character of Conservation Area / Listed
Building Consent
Malcolm C Foy 51 - 52 Hall Gate Doncaster - Reinstate to 2no separate units and
conversion of office space into 3no residential flats in 51 Hallgate.
24/01520/FUL (DCDG)
Listed Building Consent
16 - 17 South Parade Doncaster - Listed Building Consent for the installation of PV
solar panels and air source heat pumps. 24/01474/LBC (DCEC)
Bilham Lodge Street Lane Bilham - Listed building consent for demolition of
existing bathroom extension and outbuildings and erection of a new single storey
rear extension, exterior repair/replacement works and rebuilding of yard wall and
gate. 24/01377/LBC (DCCMJ)
Hall Farm Holywell Lane Braithwell - Listed building consent for internal and
external works to facilitate the conversion of an existing two storey barn into 2
dwellings and demolition of existing single storey barns. 24/01536/LBC (DCSB)
Malcolm C Foy 51 - 52 Hall Gate Doncaster - Listed Building Consent to reinstate
to 2no separate units and conversion of office space into 3no residential flats in 51
Hallgate. 24/01521/LBC (DCDG)
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