Grafton Underwood, Mears Ashby, Wellingborough, Shotley, Oundle, Brigstock - Various Planning Applications
What is planned?
Article 15 of the Town & Country Planning
(Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Applications can be inspected at Select East Northamptonshire for NE's, Kettering for NK's and Wellingborough for NW's.
Anyone wishing to comment on an application should write to us within 24 days. For details of how we treat your data, please go to
D NK/2024/0451 Full Planning Permission: Installation of underground electrical connection and communication cables between Grafton Underwood Solar Farm and the Distribution Networks Operator's Substation at Brigstock Battery Energy Storage System at Geddington Road (land North of), Grafton Underwood
A B NW/24/00453/LBC: Listed Building Consent for installation of 1 no. extractor fan in the kitchen on the front elevation and 1 no. extractor fan in the first-floor bathroom on the South East elevation at 5 Duchess End, Mears Ashby, Northampton NN6 0EB
A C NW/24/00443/FUL: Change of use from Public House (sui-generis) and 5 bedroom apartment (C3) to 1x Retail Unit (Ea), 1x Cafe (Eb), and 3x residential apartments (C3). Apartments consist of 1 x 2 bedroom (3 person) and 2 x 1 bedroom (1person). Changes to external elevations, no extensions proposed at The Fiddlers Elbow, 15 Church Street, Wellingborough NN8 4PF
B NE/24/00780/LBC: 2 no. new rooflights within existing kitchen roof and internal wall alterations to existing bathroom at Shotley Cottage, Shotley, Harringworth NN17 3AG
B NE/24/00799/LBC: Replacement door and windows to front elevation at 79 Benefield Road, Oundle PE8 4EU
A NE/24/00802/FUL: Conversion of outbuilding/barn to dwelling resolving refusal conditions (re-submission of NE/23/1264/FUL) at 16 High Street, Brigstock NN14 3HA
C NE/24/00761/VAR: Variation of condition 4 to allow for revised plans - the former agricultural building was demolished, the new building is used as a studio. The works for the studio have been completed, but with a number of minor variations to the approved plans. Please substitute the approved drawings with the following: 1813 - 009 - Studio - As Built Plans and Elevations, 1813 - 010 - Studio - As Built Plans and Elevations (Annotated) pursuant to 16/00772/FUL - Demolition of existing agricultural barn and construction of a new barn on the same footprint along with reconfiguration of the entrance drive at Perio Mill House, Cotterstock Road, Fotheringhay Peterborough PE8 5HU
A Affects a Conservation Area
B For Listed Building Consent
C Affects the setting of a Listed Building
D Major development
Date of Notice: 5 September 2024
George Candler, Executive Director Place and Economy
Kettering Office, Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering, NN15 7QX
Thrapston Office, Cedar Drive, Thrapston, NN14 4LZ
Wellingborough Office, Swanspool House, Doddington Road, Wellingborough, NN8 1BP
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