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All Saints Street, Grand Parade, Charles Road, Highlands Gardens, Cambridge Gardens, South Street - Various Planning Applications

TN38Published 02/08/24Expired
Sussex World • 

What is planned?


The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended)
The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (As Amended)
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (As Amended)

We give notice that we have received the following applications:-

HS/LB/24/00397 131 All Saints Street, Hastings. Repairs to timber roof structure in loft space - external covering/tiling to remain the same
HS/LB/24/00485 Adelaide House, 23 Grand Parade, St Leonards-on-sea. Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of Listed Building Consent HS/LB/23/00246 (Internal alterations to flat 1 and 3: Overhaul electrics, plumbing, and heating. Replace and relocate internal staircase, kitchen, internal partition walls, and bathroom. Replace internal doors and floor boards.) Amendments to the internal stair design, cabinetry surrounding stairs and door to bedroom 3. Omission of top stair winder

HS/FA/24/00293 Ground Floor Flat, 9 Charles Road, St Leonards-on-sea. Construction of a ground floor extension on top of existing lower ground floor extension. A new raised terrace, steps & stepped planting beds to garden. New detached outbuilding to rear of garden (amended description)
HS/FA/24/00399* 1 Helena Court, 9-11 Highlands Gardens, St Leonards-on-sea. Installation of doorway within original opening
HS/FA/24/00410 Flat 5, 8-9 Terrace Road, St Leonards-on-sea. Replacement of the existing wooden sash windows with identical style windows but double glazed and in uPVC
HS/FA/24/00439 Millifont Guest House, 8-9 Cambridge Gardens, Hastings. Proposed conversion of no 9 into to 2 self contained flats and a maisonette
HS/FA/24/00502* 57 Springfield Road, St Leonards-on-sea. Reinstate the open porch area, and to replace the casement-style ground floor bay window with uPVC sliding sash window

HS/FA/24/00231 Vehicle Repair Workshop, 31 South Street St Leonards-on-sea, First Floor Club & Premises 3 Western Road. Variation of conditions: 2 (approved plans), 5 (internal layout), 8 (cycle and bin storage) and 9 (window materials) of Planning Permission HS/FA/20/00469 (Conversion of vacant building (including roof space) to provide 5 self-contained flats. Works to include installation of Conservation Rooflights and changes to window and door fenestration.) Amendments to internal layouts of flats and adjustment and regularisation of plans to amend errors relating to the size of the building, the shape and size of the basement floor, the size of the first floor and the height of building. Height of building to be increased by 0.4 metres along the eastern and western elevation on plan only to correct error on previous drawings. Cycle storage proposed in each flat rather than communally. Repositioning of entrance doors on western elevation. Installation of uPVC framed windows to the eastern and southern elevations. (Amended description). Proposed Amendment: Change agreed to development description to address the discrepancies between the approved and proposed drawings.
HS/FA/24/00373 Flat E, 1 Mews Road, St Leonards-on-sea. Enlargement of mansard roof (extended over existing flat roof) to provide additional internal floor space to third floor flat E. Installation of glazed balustrade adjacent to parapet wall (front elevation) (amended description). Proposed Amendment: Description Change
HS/FA/23/00395 39-41 George Street, Hastings. Redevelopment of site to create a four storey building comprising 4 commercial units (E (a) (b) and (c)(i) (ii) (iii)) and 20 flats (14 residential (C3) and 6 holiday lets (Sui Generis)). Proposal includes partial demolition of the listed building at 41 George Street with the existing building façade retained and the provision of a new ground floor shop front (includes renewable energy). Proposed Amendment: Amended Location, Block, Section, Elevation and Floor Plans. Amended Slope Stability Risk Assessment
HS/LB/23/00396 39-41 George Street, Hastings. Partial demolition of the listed building at 41 George Street with existing building façade retained at first and second floor level and formation of new shop front at ground floor. Redevelopment of the site behind the retained listed façade to provide a four-storey mixed use residential and commercial building extending across the width of nos. 39 to 41 George Street. At no. 41 George Street, attach the new build onto the retained façade and provide a new raised roof profile behind the retained façade at third floor level to include front and rear dormers and a large flat roof area with solar panels. Proposed Amendment: Amended Location, Block, Sections, Elevation and Floor Plans.
HS/LB/24/00400 47 Old London Road, Hastings. Fenestration changes to side elevation, replacement of hanging tiles to match existing, replacement garage doors, internal alterations including the installation of a single-person lift, the reforming of the kitchen/dining area and the partial conversion of the garage to form a utility room (amended description). Proposed Amendment: description change

Applications can be viewed online at or using screens at the Community Contact Centre, Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings. Comments about applications can be made online or sent to the Planning Services Manager within 21 days from the date of this notice or 14 days for amended plans. An additional day will be added for each bank/public holiday in England that falls during the consultation period. Comments received are public documents and will be published on the internet. Requests for confidentiality cannot be accepted.
* Comments made on this application will be sent to the Secretary of State if an appeal is received and dealt with under the 'written representations' procedure. No comments can be made at the appeal stage.

Date Published: 2 August 2024
Mrs Eleanor Evans, Planning Services Manager, Hastings Borough Council, Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings

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