Sharpthorne, Ashurst Wood, Cuckfield, Burgess Hill, Balcombe, Bolney, West Hoathly - Various Planning Applications
What is planned?
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council has received applications for:
DM/23/0827 - Full planning application for the demolition of existing structures
and redevelopment of the site to provide 108 residential dwellings (Class C3)
and associated works, including the provision of an on-site SANG, access,
landscaping, parking and associated works. (Amended plans received showing
minor changes to scheme, as detailed in applicant's letter dated 13th
November). West Hoathly Brickworks, Hamsey Road, Sharpthorne,
East Grinstead RH19 4PB
DM/24/1718 - Outline application with some matters reserved for a three
storey five bedroom house with double garage on the land north of Willow
Ridge. Land North of Willow Ridge, Lewes Road, Ashurst Wood, W. Sussex
Being applications affecting the Setting of a Listed Building
DM/24/1771 - Installation of rooflights, replacement external doors, widening
of existing entrance gates, replacement stone window cills, external joinery
decoration and replacement of chimney. Ockenden House, Ockenden
Lane, Cuckfield, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH17 5LD
Being an application affecting the Setting of a Listed Building within a
Conservation Area
DM/24/0846 - Demolition of existing outbuildings and erection of 2no.
residential dwellings with separate carports, a separate garden room for
plot 2, associated landscaping and the retention of the existing access. New
timber fence and electric gates. Land adjacent to Hilgay Cottage,
Birchwood Grove Road, Burgess Hill RH15 0DL
DM/24/1760 - Conversion of existing 2 storey garage into a habitable space,
demolish existing utility room and construct a replacement single storey
rear extension to link the house to the new converted garage. Wildwood,
London Road, Balcombe, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH17 6HT
DM/24/1762 - Proposed new glazing to south-west elevation and replacement
window and door to south east elevation. Proposed new sliding gates to
driveway. Mayerling, Black Hill, Lindfield, Haywards Heath RH16 2HF
Being applications within a Conservation Area
DM/24/1452 - Retrospective application for the repair of a damaged
boundary wall. Bolney Lodge, Foxhole Lane, Bolney, Haywards Heath,
West Sussex RH17 5RT
Being a premises which is Listed
DM/24/1778 - Refurbishment and repair of a Listed Building, including
reinstatement of porch. 1 Peckhams North Lane, West Hoathly, East
Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 4QF
DM/24/1779 - Refurbishment and repair of a Listed Building, including
reinstatement of porch. 1 Peckhams North Lane, West Hoathly, East
Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 4QF
Being premises which are Listed within a Conservation Area
DM/23/0827 - Full planning application for the demolition of existing
structures and redevelopment of the site to provide 108 residential dwellings
(Class C3) and associated works, including the provision of an on-site SANG,
access, landscaping, parking and associated works. (Amended plans received
showing minor changes to scheme, as detailed in applicant's letter dated 13th
November). West Hoathly Brickworks, Hamsey Road, Sharpthorne, East
Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 4PB
Being an application which is a departure from the Development Plan for
the area in which the land is situated
These applications can be viewed on the Online Planning Register. To
access the Online Planning Register, please use the following link:
Any representations in respect of the following applications must be
submitted to me in writing by 23rd August 2024.
Ann Biggs, Assistant Director Planning and Sustainable
Economy, Mid Sussex District Council, Oaklands Road,
Haywards Heath, RH16 1SS. Dated: 1st August 2024.
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