Wyre - Various Planning Applications
What is planned?
I give notice that the Council has received the following planning applications, which are for a major development as defined in the Planning Acts, and affect a public right of way as follows: Application Number: 24/00242/FULMAJ Proposal: Engineering works to form earth banked clay lined covered slurry lagoon with 1.6m high enclosure fencing. Location: Rose Farm Mill Lane Hambleton Poulton Le Fylde Lancashire FY6 9DE Applicant: Mr Derek Haworth Application Number: 24/00243/RELMAJ Proposal: Reserved matters application relating to appearance, access, landscaping, layout, and scale pursuant to outline planning permission 19/00860/OULMAJ for the erection of 343 dwellings, internal access roads, public open space including play facilities, and associated works including sustainable drainage system and the erection of a sub-station (pursuant to variation of conditions 1 (Approved Plans), 2 (Materials), 3 (Boundary Details), 4 (Boundary Treatments), 5 (Hard Surfacing), 6 (Landscaping), 10 (Phasing), 11 (Parking) and 12 (Waste Management) on permission 22/00761/RELMAJ) Location: Land South Of A586 And North West Of Copp Lane Great Eccleston Lancashire Applicant: Mr Alistair Cliffe Representations on the above applications should be made by 31st July 2024 as, after this date, the Council is entitled to make a decision on the application. Plans and supporting information are available on our website at: www.wyre.gov.uk/planningsearch (using the above planning application numbers) or by appointment at the Civic Centre in Poulton (during office hours).
You can comment on undecided planning applications at www.wyre.gov.uk/Commentplanningapplication Written comments will be available for inspection by interested parties on our website. For further information on how to comment on applications and on how decisions are made please visit our website www.wyre.gov.uk/Commentplanningapplication
Assistant Director of Planning and Building Control
Tel: (01253) 891000
Date: 10th July 2024
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