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St Leonards-On-Sea, Hastings - Various Planning Applications

TN34Published 05/07/24Expired
Sussex World • 

What is planned?

The Town and Country Planning Act 1990
(As Amended)
The Town and Country Planning (Development
Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (As Amended)
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (As Amended)
We give notice that we have received the following applications

HS/LB/24/00262 78 Marine Court, Marina, St Leonards-on-sea. Removal of existing balcony enclosure and re-instatement of balcony. Installation of safety rails. Replacement of existing windows and doors to bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and living room with white uPVC double-glazed units (amended description)
HS/FA/24/00324 93 Pevensey Road, St Leonards-on-sea. Minor adjustments to the landscape, including new stairs and footpath to access existing gas meter boxes to the rear of the property.
HS/FA/24/00358 Flat 1b, 26 Eversfield Place, St Leonards-on-sea. Conversion of the lower level of a maisonette, formerly part of Flat 1B into an additional residential unit to be known as Basement
Flat 1D.
HS/FA/24/00373 Flat E, 1 Mews Road, St Leonards-on-sea. Relocation of front mansard roof slope to provide additional internal floor space
HS/FA/24/00375* 24A Holmesdale Gardens, Hastings. Installation of a double glazed window in flank wall of basement flat
HS/FA/24/00395* 26A Tackleway, Hastings. Proposed replacement of 2 No. UPVC windows (one at ground floor front elevation and one at second floor front elevation) with timber, sash windows
HS/FA/24/00398 Second Floor Flat, 52 Eversfield Place, St Leonards-on-sea. Proposed replacement of uPVC casement windows with uPVC sliding sash windows to the front elevation
HS/DS/24/00428 Land at Chiltern Drive, Hastings. Variation of Condition 1 (approved drawings) of Planning Permission HS/DS/23/00705 [Approval of Reserved Matters relating to conditions 1 & 2 (appearance and landscaping); 5 (materials); 6 (hard landscaping); 7 (soft landscaping); 10 (boundary treatments); and, 11 (land contamination) of Outline Planning Permission HS/OA/19/00326 for the erection of 17 no. terraced houses with parking (existing 4 bungalows to be demolished) - Appeal Ref: APP/B1415/W/20/3251722] - Amendments - minor layout and design changes.
Applications can be viewed online at Comments about applications
can be made online or sent to the Planning Services Manager within 21 days from the date of this
notice or 14 days for amended plans. An additional day will be added for each bank/public holiday in
England that falls during the consultation period. Comments received are public documents and will
be published on the internet. Requests for confidentiality cannot be accepted.
* Comments made on this application will be sent to the Secretary of State if an appeal is received
and dealt with under the 'written representations' procedure. No comments can be made at the appeal stage.
Date Published: 5 July 2024
Mrs Eleanor Evans, Planning Services Manager, Hastings Borough Council, Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings

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