Milton Keynes - Multiple Planning Notices
What is planned?
Representations, if any, to be submitted in writing to within 21 days of the publication of this notice.
Erection of three storey residential development consisting of 15x affordable apartments with associated car parking, landscaping and associated works (Regulation 3 application under the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992) at Site West of, Kellan Drive, Fishermead, Milton Keynes.
Prior Approval for change of use from office (Class E) to residential use (Class C3) to provide 1 x 1-bed, 1-person residential dwelling at 3 High Street, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes, MK17 8RQ.
The erection of rear extension with existing toilet roof altered to flat roof with removal of conservatory, demolition of garage and new garage built at 14 High Street, Hanslope, Milton Keynes, MK19 7LQ.
The removal of a side window at the rear of the property and replacement with a door at 10 High Street, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes, MK11 1AF.
Variation of condition 1 (Approved Plans) seeking alterations to the approved design(relating to permission ref. 23/02378/HOU for the erection of a two-storey south side extension including attached 1-bed annex, two-storey front extensions including balcony, part two-storey part single storey rear extension, two-storey north side extension, part garage conversion, alterations to external elevations and fenestrations) at 25 Whitworth Lane, Loughton, Milton Keynes, MK5 8EB.
Variation of condition 8 (Opening hours) seeking to change of opening hours from 6am-10pm (Monday to Friday), 8am-8pm (Saturday), 8am-6pm (Sunday) to a 24 hour, 7 days a week gym (relating to permission ref. 16/02793/REM reserved matters application pursuant to outline permission 14/01544/OUT for the erection of 55 new residential apartments comprising 1 x 3 bedroom unit, 42 x 2 bedroom units and 12 x 1 bedroom units, 1070m2 of A1, A3 and A5 use class retail and 810m2 of D2 use class gym facilities, as well as associated car parking and landscaping) at 10 Brooklands Road, Brooklands, Milton Keynes, MK10 7NF.
Listed Building Consent for the erection of rear extension with existing toilet roof altered to flat roof with removal of conservatory, demolition of garage and new garage built at 14 High Street, Hanslope, Milton Keynes, MK19 7LQ.
Removal of existing bin and cycle store and the erection of three storey residential development consisting of 10x affordable apartments with associated car parking, landscaping and associated works (Regulation 3 application under the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992) at Site To North East of Kellan Drive, Fishermead, Milton Keynes, .
Replacement of 6x single-glazed wooden framed windows with heritage double-glazed hardwood windows at 47 Common Street, Ravenstone, Olney, MK46 5AR.
Head of Planning
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