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Bentley, Austerfield, Lakeside, Rossington, Tickhill, Bawtry, Armthorpe, Cusworth - Various Planning Applications

DN10Published 04/07/24Expired
The Star • 

What is planned?


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(Please Note: If one or more public holidays fall within the period for which
consultations/comments are invited one or more extra days will be added
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Planning Authority.

Major Development
Amenity Grass Area North Of Gowdall Green Bentley - Erection of 2 dwellings
and a block of 8 apartments. 24/01048/FULM (DCMJR)
Pine Lodge Country Park Horne Road Austerfield - Section 73 Application to Vary
Condition 2 of Planning Permission 19/02734/FULM (alteration to approved layout).
24/00901/FULM (DCDR)
Premier Inn Wilmington Drive Lakeside - Erection of 2 storey extension to existing
hotel, with alterations to the car park. 24/01028/FULM (DCNEL)
Affecting a Public Right of Way
Linksway Maisonettes New Lane Rossington - Erection of two pair of semi
detached houses following demolition of existing outbuildings.
24/00904/FUL (ENOH)
Public Interest
DHL High Common Lane Tickhill - Hazardous Substances Consent for
the storage and distribution of various quantities of hazardous materials.
24/00881/HAZ (DCMJR)
Affecting Setting of Listed Building or Character of Conservation Area
23 - 25 Market Place Bawtry - Application to vary condition 2 from permission
19/01201/FUL - To change the approved plans to reconfigure the parking spaces
and change the amenity space. 24/00982/FUL (DCJH)
39 Warnington Drive Bessacarr - Erection of side extension as well as external
alterations including raising of roof height and installation of dormer windows to front
elevation and integral double garage to side. 24/01051/FUL (DCNW)
54 - 56 High Street Bawtry - Installation of replacement windows, and alterations to
existing front boundary wall including installation of new railings above existing wall
and raising of pillar heights ******(AMENDED DESCRIPTION) 24/00832/FUL (DCSB)
65 Queen Street Thorne - AMENDED PLANS: Erection of single storey rear
extension. 24/00998/FUL (DCHH)
Brook House Farm Church Street Armthorpe - Erection of 5 No. Dwellings and
associated garages following the demolition of existing farm house, barn and
outbuildings 24/00808/FUL (DCJH)
Juxtzpose Main Street Fishlake - Without planning permission the change of use
from a beauty salon to a residential dwelling 24/00769/FUL (DCNH)
Keepers Cottage Orchard Lane Cusworth - Erection of 2 single storey extensions
to the rear of the detached dwelling house. Erection of a detached Office/Workshop/
Garden Store and WC (Outbuilding), with integrated solar panels to be installed on
the roof to the front and the installation of a log store to the rear yard.
24/01079/FUL (DCSRD)
Manor Farm School Lane Stainton - Erection of detached dwelling following
demolition of existing detached dwelling 24/00987/FUL (ENOH)
Listed Building Consent
Keepers Cottage Orchard Lane Cusworth - Listed Building Consent for the
erection of 2 single storey extensions to the rear of the detached dwelling house.
Erection of a detached Office/Workshop/Garden Store and WC (Outbuilding), with
integrated solar panels to be installed on the roof to the front and the installation of a
log store to the rear yard. 24/01080/LBC (DCSRD)
Lockermarsh Residential Care Home 36 Ellison Street Thorne - Listed Building
Consent for proposed extension to form a new utility room, installation of new
windows and doors, filling in of brickwork on elevations, installation of external
fencing, works to boundary treatments, and demolition of existing conservatory to the
rear of the building 24/00856/LBC (DCJH)
Lockermarsh Residential Care Home 36 Ellison Street Thorne - Proposed
extension to form a new utility room, installation of new windows and doors, filling in
of brickwork on elevations, and demolition of existing conservatory to the rear of the
building 24/00855/FUL (DCJH)
Doncaster MBC – Listed Building Consent
Canal Depot Grey Friars Road Doncaster - Demolition of damaged and derelict
building to the side of canal depot in a conservation area 24/01005/FUL (ENVPL)

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