Milton Keynes - Multiple Planning Notices
What is planned?
Representations, if any, to be submitted in writing to within 21 days of the publication of this notice.
The erection of single storey extension and infill to create new entrance to existing dwelling and new rooflight at L Stables , Bay Lane, Ravenstone.
Change of Use of the existing curtilage listed building to use class C3 (dwellings) providing additional accommodation, carports and ancillary storage at Wardens Accommodation, Bradwell Village Youth Hostel, Vicarage Road, Bradwell.
The erection of an extension to the existing accommodation outbuilding to consist of additional accommodation, carports and ancillary storage, and internal alterations to the existing accommodation at Wardens Accommodation, Bradwell Village Youth Hostel, Vicarage Road, Bradwell.
Approval of details required by condition 6 (Great Crested Newt) of permission ref. 23/02411/HOU at Calverton House, Lower Weald To Calverton Road, Calverton.
Variation of condition 1 (approved plans) seeking to provide three dormers on the front elevation of the approved plot 11 dwelling (relating to permission ref. 23/02770/FUL [Development of x1 residential unit comprising a partial re-plan of the details approved under full planning permission (ref. 16/02507/FUL) to provide x13 dwellings]) at Stratford House , Mill Lane, Stony Stratford.
Advertisement consent for the replacement of 2x illuminated fascia sign (sign B), erection of 1x illuminated hanging sign (sign A) and 1x illuminated sign board (sign C) at The Swan , 2 High Street, Woburn Sands.
Approval of details required by condition 7 (Biodiversity Enhancement Scheme) of permission ref. 23/02411/HOU at Calverton House, Lower Weald To Calverton Road, Calverton.
Erection of a new 2 bedroom timber framed dwelling at 5 The Green, Woughton On The Green.
Variation of condition 11 (Uses) seeking to amend the condition to remove the reference to non-food retail within the local centre, to be replaced with Class E(a)(b)(c) and also seeks to clarify the condition to refer to gross internal areas (relating to permission ref. 13/02382/OUTEIS - The development of Glebe Farm as part of a mixed-use sustainable urban extension comprising: up to 1,140 dwellings; land for one primary school (for children between the ages of 2 - 11) and one secondary school (for children between the ages of 12 and 18); a mixed use neighbourhood centre comprising of a retail food store of approximately 350 square metres (gross floor space area), additional non-food retail, a GP health centre; multi-functional green infrastructure (totalling approximately 18.5 hectares.) including parkland, sports pitches, children's play areas, informal open space, allotments, woodland, landscaping and surface water attenuation; new multi-functional community building; vehicular access points from the A421 via the Fen Farm roundabout, Newport Road and a future connection to the adjoining development land to the east; and internal streets, footpaths and cycleways) at Land At Glebe Farm, South of A421, Newport Road, Wavendon.
Head of Planning
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