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Horrobin Lane, Preston Road, Water Street, Sandy Lane - Multiple Planning Applicaitons

BL6 7SEPublished 11/06/24Expired
Lancashire Post • 

What is planned?

Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Town and Country Planning Development Management
(General Procedure) Order 2010

The Council gives notice on the following applications as it has not been possible to notify all the nearby residents directly:

Application Number: 23/01016/FUL
Applicant: Mrs Sarah Annette
Reason for Advert: Affecting General Character of Area
Location: Rivington Foundation, Primary School, Horrobin Lane, Rivington, Bolton BL6 7SE
Proposal: Installation of an LPG boiler and plant to provide air source heat pump system.

Application Number: 24/00386/LBC
Applicant: Ms Denise Shacklady
Reason for Advert: Listed Building Consent
Location: 586 Preston Road, Clayton-le-woods, Chorley PR6 7EB
Proposal: Application for listed building consent for the removal of existing door in the south facing gable wall, and replacement with a new timber casement window with matching stone cill and external stonework

Application Number: 24/00401/FULMAJ
Applicant: Mr G Singleton
Reason for Advert: PA affecting setting of Listed Building, Affecting General Character of Area
Location: Beech Cottage, Water Street, Brindle, Chorley PR6 8NH
Proposal: Erection of detached outbuilding (garage) and store

Application Number: 24/00401/FULMAJ
Applicant: Ms Emily Armstrong
Reason for Advert: Affecting a Right Of Way, Major Development, Incomplete Neighbour Notification
Location: Canal Mill, Botany Bay, Chorley
Proposal: Section 73 application to vary conditions 26 (phasing and delivery of traffic mitigation measures), 27 (traffic mitigation scheme design) and 30 (traffic mitigation scheme design) and delete conditions 28 (traffic mitigation measures delivery) and 47 (A674 roundabout improvements) attached to planning permission 21/00439/FULMAJ in order to align the delivery of the off site works of highway improvement with a proposed phasing strategy.

Application Number: 24/00336/FULHH
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Edwards
Reason for Advert: Affecting General Character of Area
Location: Rectory Cottage, Sandy Lane, Brindle, Chorley PR6 8NJ
Proposal: Replacement of roof to single storey side projection involving an increase in eaves and ridge height.

Application Number: 24/00421/FULMAJ
Applicant: Rowland Homes Ltd
Reason for Advert: Major Development, Incomplete Neighbour Notification
Location: Land Adjoining Cuerden, Residential Park, Nell Lane, Cuerden
Proposal: Section 73 application to vary conditions 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 16 and 22 attached to planning permission 20/00377/FULMAJ (Erection of 115 dwellings with associated parking, landscaping, drainage, pump station, layout of roads and footways and other associated works), and as amended by 23/00274/MNMA and 24/00295/MNMA, in order to substitute approved house types with a reduction in dwelling numbers and associated modifications to internal roads, landscaping, boundary treatments and associated infrastructure.

Application Number: 24/00144/FULHH
Applicant: Mr Fraser Burton
Reason for Advert: Affecting a Right Of Way, PA affecting setting of Listed Building
Location: Mill House Cottage, Mill House Lane, Brindle, Chorley PR6 8NS
Proposal: Single storey rear extension including new roof to existing store (following demolition of existing rear extensions and conservatory)

Application Number: 24/00411/FUL
Applicant: Ian Miller
Reason for Advert: PA affecting setting of Listed Building
Location: The Farmhouse, Greenhalgh Lane, Anderton, Chorley
Proposal: Detached dwelling

The applications, plans and other documents submitted with it may be inspected during normal office hours (8.45 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday) at the Civic Offices, Union Street, Chorley, PR7 1AL or via our website (telephone enquiries - 01257 515151).
Representations should be sent to the Chief Planning Officer at the above address, through our website or emailed to within 21 days of the date of the notice.

Please quote the application number in all correspondence. Your comments may be read by the applicant or other members of the public. They will be sent to the Planning Inspectorate and the applicant if an appeal is made. Comments may be available on our website or through the Planning Portal if an appeal is lodged. Please ensure that you only provide information, including personal information belonging to you that you are happy will be made available to others in this way. However, if you do not provide your address we will be unable to inform you if an appeal is lodged against our decision.

Chief Planning Officer
Chorley Council

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