Chichester - Multiple Planning Notices
What is planned?
Town and Country Planning Acts 1990 • Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990 • NOTICE IS GIVEN of the following applications made to the Local Planning Authority, for one or more of the following reasons: Affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area; Does Not Accord with the Provisions of the Development Plan; Environmental Assessment; Involves a Listed Building; Major Development; Affects a Public Right of Way. 24/00804/FUL - Mr Watkins-Chichester Festival Theatre Broyle Rd Chichester PO19 6AP - Erection of new temporary performance space to the south of theatre. 24/00821/FUL - Mr Sheilds-67 East St Chichester PO19 1HL - Internal shop fitting works inc decoration, new lights & new merchandise display unit. New shop front signage. 24/00518/DOM & 24/00519/LBC - Mr Wilden & Hamid - Send House Salthill Rd Chichester PO19 3PY - Replacement and alterations of extensions on north and west elevations. Erection of canopy and replacement of existing window with French doors. Interior alterations. Replacement outbuilding and change of use to create habitable accommodation. New entrance gates and widening of driveway. SDNP/24/00364/FUL - Venning The Eartham Farm Partnership - Home Farm House Eartham Lane Eartham PO18 0LT - Change of use of existing agricultural building to farm/estate office with associated alterations inc new porch extension to north elevation & alterations & additions to fenestration on north,east & south elevations inc installation of solar panels to roof on south elevation. SDNP/24/01511/CND - Mr Thompson - The Old Rectory East Marden Hill East Marden PO18 9JE - Demolition of storeroom replaced with single storey extension to west elevation, replace window with door on west elevation & addition of 1 no. ground floor window on north elevation - Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission SDNP/23/04228/HOUS to remove access door to the north elevation & increase width of single storey extension with alterations to fenestration on south elevation. SDNP/24/01336/FUL&SDNP/24/01337/LIS - Mr Chance - Grange Farm Shop Common Rd Funtington PO18 9LN - Insert of black painted metal flue through north plane of roof for wood stove. SDNP/24/01354/LIS - M Skillman Res Non Verba - The Swan Inn Lower St Fittleworth RH20 1EL - Installation of pair of wrought iron gates. SDNP/24/01283/CND - Mr Ward - Beck House Selham Rd South Ambersham Graffham GU29 0BX - Demolition & replacement of existing timber outbuilding to rear of dwelling & extension to garage at front. (Variation of condition 2 of permission SDNP/20/04464/HOUS-revised plans). SDNP/24/01334/LIS - Ms Davies Solent Academies Trust - Littlegreen School B2146 Hundred Acres To Compton Down Rd Compton PO18 9NW - Repairs to a large number of timber windows inc replacement of windows. SDNP/24/00574/FUL & SDNP/24/00575/LIS - Ms Warhurst Make Consulting - Littlegreen School B2146 Hundred Acres To Compton Down Rd Compton PO18 9NW - Installation of secure fencing, access gates & CCTV cameras. SDNP/23/01045/FUL - Mr Baillieu - Hoyle Lane Stables Hoyle Lane Heyshott GU29 0DX - Conversion & alteration of equestrian stables to create to 2 self-contained dwelling units for holiday let use. Deadline for representations 23rd May 2024. The applications & accompanying plans may be inspected by visiting the Council’s web site or at East Pallant House East Pallant Chichester PO19 1TY between 9am-4pm Monday-Friday. 24/00754/REM-Former Fuel Depot Bognor Rd Chichester PO20 1EJ - Application for approval of reserved matters (layout, appearance, scale & landscaping) following outline approval O/23/02329/OUT for the erection of a 3-storey hotel with ancillary restaurant, car/cycle parking & all associated works pursuant to outline planning permission O/23/02329/OUT. 24/00769/REM - Seaward Ltd - Former Fuel Depot Bognor Rd Chichester PO20 1EJ - All outstanding Reserved Matters (layout, appearance, scale & landscaping) for the erection of 1920sqm of Class B1(c)/B2/B8 floorspace (with ancillary trade counter) on Plot F (single unit) pursuant to outline planning permission O/23/02329/OUT. 24/00770/REM - Seaward Ltd - Former Fuel Depot Bognor Rd Chichester PO20 1EJ - All outstanding Reserved Matters (layout, appearance, scale & landscaping) for the erection of 1920sqm of Class B1(c)/B2/B8 floorspace (with ancillary trade counter) on Plot F (multi units) pursuant to outline planning permission O/23/02329/OUT. 24/00780/REM - Seaward Ltd - Former Fuel Depot Bognor Rd Chichester PO20 1EJ - All outstanding Reserved Matters (layout, appearance, scale & landscaping) for the erection of 352.5sqm of Class A3/A5 floorspace (Roadside) & 128sqm A3 floorspace (Roadside) on Plot B1 pursuant to outline planning permission O/23/02329/OUT. 24/00781/REM - Seaward Ltd - Former Fuel Depot Bognor Rd Chichester PO20 1EJ - All outstanding Reserved Matters (layout, appearance, scale & landscaping) for the erection of 230sqm of Class A3/A5 floorspace (Roadside) on Plot A pursuant to outline planning permission O/23/02329/OUT. 24/00771/REM - Seaward Ltd - Former Fuel Depot Bognor Rd Chichester PO20 1EJ - All outstanding Reserved Matters (layout, appearance, scale & landscaping) for the erection of 1858sqm of Class B1(c)/B2/B8 floorspace (with ancillary trade counter) on Plot B2 pursuant to outline planning permission O/23/02329/OUT. Deadline for representations 16th May 2024. The applications & accompanying plans may be inspected by visiting the Council’s web site or at East Pallant House East Pallant Chichester PO19 1TY between 9am-4pm Monday-Friday
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