Itchingfield, Faygate, Horsham, Warnham, West Grinstead, West Chiltington - Various Planning Applications
What is planned?
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015
Notice is hereby given under Article 15(3), (4) or (5) or Article 16 that the following applications have been submitted to Horsham District Council, registered between 22 April 2024 and 26 April 2024:
Please note the below list of applications advertised are only those we are required to do so by law. A full list of applications is available by visiting our website at
Half Acre Cottage Bashurst Hill Itchingfield West Sussex RH13 0PA
Variations of conditions 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of previously approved application DC/23/1298 (Demolition of existing dwelling. Erection of 1no. replacement dwelling with detached garage, driveway, and altered access) Variation sought to allow for changes to design, external materials, fenestration, and enlargement of garage, and wording of conditions 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Reason for Advert:
The development would affect a Public Right of Way.
Plots 42,43,54,55,70-77 and 93-96 Kilnwood Vale Crawley Road Faygate West Sussex
Reason for Advert:
Section 106.
19A-19B Carfax Horsham West Sussex RH12 1EB
Installation of rear dormer and rooflight to existing roof and replacing existing glazed roof at second floor with slate roof to match existing.
Reason for Advert:
Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area.
11 Warnham Court Warnham West Sussex RH12 3QF
Installation of new cavity trays above windows to west elevation and new lead flashing to stone string (Listed Building Consent)
Reason for Advert:
Listed Building.
Lower Chickens Farm Dorking Road Warnham West Sussex RH12 3RY
Variation of Condition 1 of previously approved application DC/18/2569 (Replacing kitchen extension brickwork with glazed oak framing, forming vaulted ceiling to kitchen lobby and installing conservation rooflights to lobby and utility room (Listed Building Consent)) Installation of a larger rooflight to garden roof and the double doors replaced with a single door.
Reason for Advert:
Listed Building.
Oakhurst Park Lane West Grinstead West Sussex RH13 8LT
Replacement of existing conservatory with a garden room.
Reason for Advert:
Affecting Setting of a Listed Building.
Two Roods Grove Lane West Chiltington West Sussex RH20 2RD
Erection of a single storey side and rear extension
Reason for Advert:
Conservation Area.
Southdown National Park
SDNP/24/01677/HOUS Sandrock Old London Road Coldwaltham
Erection of a side and rear extension over two storeys to create an additional bedroom and living room
Reason for Advert:
Conservation Area.
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