Moors Road, Kettleby Lane, Beehave Business Park - Various Planning Notices
What is planned?
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990: Notice under section 73
Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Hazardous Substances Act 1990
WLDC has received the following applications for planning permission:
a) 148148: North Owersby: Mr N Sharp: Land to North of Moors Rd: vary condition 2 of 140237 to reposition dwelling
b) 148160: Wrawby: Mr H Benton: The Elms, Kettleby Lane: erect garage with store. (affects right of way)
c) 147744: Rand: Mr J Waring: Pallinc Ltd, Beehave Business Park, Church Lane: erect pallet production building & associated works. (major app) (affects right of way)
You may view the application, plans and other submitted documents online at www.west- or at the Guildhall, Marshall’s Yard, Gainsborough, DN21 2NA. Representations should be made in writing to the Chief Operating Officer at the Council within 21 days of publication of this notice. Anyone requiring an acknowledgement should state this in writing and send a stamped SAE.
Sally Grindrod-Smith, Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities.
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