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Alnwick, Ingoe, Morpeth, Ponteland, Berwick-Upon-Tweed - Various Planning Applications

NE20Published 14/03/24Expired
Northumberland Gazette • 

What is planned?

Northumberland County Council
has received and is required to publicise the following planning applications for the reasons stated below:
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015. Reason: MAJOR major application - Article 15(4), APROW affecting a public right of way - Article 15(2), DEP does not accord with the provisions of the development plan in force for that area - Article 15(2), Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990. Reason: LBC Listed Building Consent - Regulation 3, DISLBC variation or discharge of conditions attached to listed building consent - Regulation 4, ALB affecting the setting of a listed building - Regulation 5A, ACA affecting the character or appearance of a Conservation Area - Regulation 5A.

24/00433/FUL, Mrs Elaine Sneddon, Repair/replace stonework recycled/like for like materials, replace single glazed windows with double glazed timber sash and upvc windows., Ground First Floor Flats 4 -4A Lisburn Street Alnwick NE66 1UR, ACA, ALB
24/00434/LBC, Mrs Elaine Sneddon, Listed building consent to repair/replace stonework recycled/like for like materials, replace single glazed windows with double glazed timber sash and upvc windows., 4- 4A Lisburn Street Alnwick NE66 1UR, LBC,
24/00593/FUL, Northumberland Estates, Change of use of land and buildings. Demolition, conversion, alteration and extension of existing buildings and residential dwelling to form single residential dwelling with ancillary uses. construction of outdoor swimming pool, tennis court, pond, SuDS basin, gravel yard car parking areas and grass parkland / landscaping areas, and ancillary works., Park Cottage Alnwick NE66 3HY, MAJOR,
24/00624/LBC, Mr Edward Price, Listed building consent for repair and replacement of the rear dining room single storey structure, 5 Lisburn Street Alnwick NE66 1UR, LBC,
24/00626/VARYCO, Mr Ian Howson, Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) on approved application 23/02866/VARYCO in order to provide alterations to floorplans, elevations and associated changes to parking arrangements., Land To North Of Kearsley Farm Ingoe , APROW,
24/00633/FUL, Mr Stuart Clark, Demolition of garage/stable block, construction of stone garage/outbuilding, various internal, external repairs and remodelling., Old Rectory Whalton Morpeth NE61 3UP, ACA, ALB
24/00634/LBC, Mr Stuart Clark, Listed Building Consent for Demolition of garage/stable block, construction of stone garage/outbuilding, various internal, external repairs and remodelling., Old Rectory Whalton Morpeth NE61 3UP, LBC,
24/00636/DISCON, Bellway Homes, Discharge of condition 6c (archaeological work) on approved application 17/03697/FUL., Northumbria Police HQ Ponteland NE20 0BL, DISLBC,
24/00661/FUL, Asda Stores Limited, 2no. replacement condenser units, Asda Main Street Tweedmouth Berwick-Upon-Tweed TD15 2DS, ACA,
24/00679/FUL, George F White, Development of 6no. dwellings with associated access, parking and amenity space, Land East of North End Farm Longframlington, APROW,
24/00719/VARYCO, Park Holidays UK Limited, Removal of Condition 32 (ground gases) on approved application 17/04330/FUL in order to fulfill a requirement which is undeliverable, Land East of Widdrington Moor Widdrington APROW, DEP
Visit to view the full application, plans and associated documents. Representations (comments) can be made online or in writing to The Planning Department, County Hall, Morpeth, NE61 2EF within 21 days of the date of this notice These must include the application reference, your name and full postal address (which will be made available on our website).
Rob Murfin - Director of Planning.
Date: 14.03.24

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