Drax Power Station - Town and Country Planning Notice
What is planned?
a) Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning
permission 22/01990/STPLFE (Construction of
sub-surface cable route from Drax Power Station to
Fraisthorpe Coastline with associated accesses and
temporary construction compounds in association
with the Scotland to England Green Link) to allow
the removal of cable routing at Skerne (application
to be read in conjunction with planning application
24/00168/STPLFE) at Cross Country Cable Route
From Drax Power Station To Fraisthorpe Coastline
Bridlington Road Fraisthorpe (24/00310/STVARE
Proposal (a) affects the setting of a Listed Building
under Section 1 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and
Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
Proposal (a) affects a public right of way.
Proposal (a) is a major development.
This application is accompanied by an Environmental
Impact Assessment in accordance with the Town and
Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment)
Regulations 2017 (as amended). Members of the public
may obtain copies of the Environmental Impact
Assessment from AECOM C/o Ms Emma Norman 3rd
Floor Portwall Place Portwall Lane Bristol BS1 6NA.
If you wish to view the application logon to
http://www.eastriding.gov.uk/planning and enter the
application number. You can make comments
electronically using feedback option on the above
website or by emailing planning@eastriding.gov.uk
Guidance notes on making comments and the right to
speak are also available on the above website or on
request. Any representations about the proposals
should be sent to the undersigned at the County Hall,
Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 9BA by not
later than the morning of 13 April 2024. You can
visit any of the council’s libraries where facilities are
available for you to view planning applications.
If you decide to visit the library, the details of reference
number, address and postcode set out above will be
required to enable you to view the application.
A member of the library staff will be able to assist you
if required. If, as a result of your visit, there are any
questions that have not been resolved, please contact
the Planning Office on (01482) 393647. Please note by
virtue of the Local Government Act 1972, anyone may
be entitled to read and obtain a copy of any
representation you make.
Stephen Hunt
Head of Planning & Development Management
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