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Kettering, Wellingborough and Thrapston Area - Various Planning Applications

NN10Published 14/03/24Expired
Northamptonshire Telegraph • 

What is planned?


Article 15 of the Town & Country Planning
(Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Applications can be inspected at Select
East Northamptonshire for NE's, Kettering for NK's and Wellingborough for NW's.
Anyone wishing to comment on an application should write to us within 24 days. For details of how we treat your data, please go to
R B NK/2024/0070 Application for Listed Building Consent: Internal refurbishment to include removal of non‑structural partition wall, installation of relocated partition wall, open structural ceiling, laminate flooring, MDF doors and suspended lighting at Railway Station, Station Road, Kettering
A B NK/2024/0072 Application for Listed Building Consent: Replacement lighting inside the art gallery's three exhibition spaces at Art Gallery, Sheep Street, Kettering
A B NK/2024/0085 Application for Listed Building Consent: Replace 2 no. UPVC French doors to the front with aluminium bi‑fold doors, black wood cladding to single storey side extension, replace rainwater / drainage pipework with black UPVC pipework and replace boundary fence with 2m high brick wall at Chestnut Cottage, Warkton
A C NK/2024/0089 Full Planning Permission: Convert barns into 2 no. dwellings with associated works and American style barn with menage at Grafton Park Farm, Cranford Road, Grafton Underwood
I F D NK/2024/0093 s.73 Application (EIA): Variation of Condition No. 4 in respect of KET/2007/0461: Design code (amended Design Code changing the alignment of the main road to facilitate the retention of the existing hedge that runs through the site) at Desborough Road (land off), Rothwell
C A NK/2024/0117 Full Planning Permission: Replace 2 no. UPVC French doors to the front with aluminium bi‑fold doors, black wood cladding to single storey side extension, replace rainwater / drainage pipework with black UPVC pipework and replace boundary fence with 2m high brick wall at Chestnut Cottage, Warkton
A C NK/2024/0119 Full Planning Permission: Garden room at The Little House, East Carlton Road, Pipewell
A B NK/2024/0120 Application for Listed Building Consent: Garden room at The Little House, East Carlton Road, Pipewell
B NE/24/00135/LBC: 1 no. shop front sign with LED light, 1 no. shop front hanging signage with LED light and 1 no. LED screen behind door window at 88 West Street, Oundle PE8 4EF
A NE/24/00148/FUL: Replacement windows from timber to UPVC at 3 Hall Yard, Collyweston PE9 3PZ
C D NE/24/00162/FUL: Proposed river restoration and natural flood management scheme at Alders Farm, Blatherwycke Road, Kings Cliffe PE8 6XY
A NE/24/00174/FUL: Erection of detached timber outbuilding at 86 West Street, Oundle PE8 4EF
B NE/24/00175/LBC: Erection of detached timber outbuilding at 86 West Street, Oundle PE8 4EF
A NE/24/00176/FUL: Replacement of existing utility extension with a single storey rear extension. Remove dormer window on the first floor rear master bedroom and extend the flat roof of the first floor to cover the full width of the rear of the property. Demolition of the gym outbuilding in the garden at 1 Addington Road, Woodford NN14 4ES
A NE/24/00179/FUL: Replacement windows and doors and rooflights to rear at 7 Church Street, Easton On The Hill PE9 3LL
A NE/24/00186/FUL: Splitting of 1no. retail unit (class E use) into 2no. retail units (class E use) with part change of use of ground floor and conversion to create 2no. residential dwellings, including demolition of former outbuilding with associated private amenity space, refuse storage, cycle parking and landscaping at 49 High Street, Rushden NN10 0QE
A NE/24/00189/ADV: Replace 1no. projecting signage with new 500mm. Replace 1no. fascia and 1no. logo with 1no. new blue fascia & 1no. new 185mm logo height. Replace 1no. ATM surround and decals with new. Replace and relocate statutory signage with new. Replace existing blinds with solar film. New door handle to be infilled to match RAL 7026 at 23 High Street, Irthlingborough NN9 5TE
A NE/24/00190/ADV: Replace 1no. projecting signage with new 600mm. Replace 1no. fascia and 1no. logo with 1no. new blue fascia & 1no. new 385mm logo height. Replace statutory signage with new. Re-spray shopfront frames at 83 High Street, Rushden NN10 0NZ
A C NW/24/00085/FUL: Removal of existing timber profile windows and replace with white UPVC profile double glazed units. Replace door on rear elevation at 15 The Square, Earls Barton, Northampton NN6 0NA
A Affects a Conservation Area
B For Listed Building Consent
C Affects the Setting of a Listed Building
D Major Development
F Affects a Public Right of Way
I Subsequent EIA Application
R Railway Land (within 10m)
Date of Notice: 14 March 2024
George Candler, Executive Director Place and Economy
Kettering Office, Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering, NN15 7QX
Thrapston Office, Cedar Drive, Thrapston, NN14 4LZ
Wellingborough Office, Swanspool House, Doddington Road, Wellingborough, NN8 1BP

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