Falkirk - Multiple Planning Notices
What is planned?
Town and Country Planning Scotland Act 1997
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2013
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas)
(Scotland) Act 1997
Applications listed below, except where the application is for Hazardous Substances Consent, can be viewed on the Council’s website: http://edevelopment.falkirk.gov.uk/online/ by entering the relevant application number in the search field. At this time we invite our citizens to register on our public access system. By doing so you can optionally choose to be automatically notified of planning applications close by.
Developments Advertised on behalf of the Planning Authority
Application No.
Location of Proposal
Description of Proposal
24 Paul Drive Airth
Falkirk FK2 8LA
Installation of Roof Windows
Avon Bridge Bo'ness Road Grangemouth
Installation of Gas Pipework
4 Princes Street and
25 Vicar Street Falkirk FK1 1LU
Alterations and Change of Use from Class 1 (Shop) to Class 2 (Financial, Professional and Other Services)
Carsaig Dunmore Falkirk FK2 8LY
Replacement Windows
Developments Advertised by virtue of Section 34 of the Town and Country Planning Scotland Act 1997 on behalf of Applicants
Iron Works Business Centre Castlelaurie Industrial Estate
Bankside Falkirk
Alterations to Storage and Distribution Building (Class 6) to Create Additional Floor Space and New Units, Including New Windows and Doors
Bridge 49 Cafe Bar
Whitecross Linlithgow EH49 6LW
Change of Use of Bistro (Class 3) to Form 2 Holiday Lets (Sui Generis)
23 Hillhouse Road Head Of Muir Denny FK6 5PG
Proposed Change of Use and Alterations to Existing Garage to form Dog Grooming Facility
Comments may be made to the Director of Place Services. The period allowed for comments is 21 days. Comments should be submitted online or by email to: dc@falkirk.gov.uk
For the time being we recommend against submitting representations or comments by post as there is no guarantee they will reach the case officer.
Where the application has been the subject of Pre-Application Consultation in terms of Section 35A(1) of the Act, notwithstanding that comments may have been made to the applicant prior to the application being made, persons wishing to make representations in respect of the application should do so to the planning authority in the manner indicated in the notice.
Director of Place Services, Falkirk Council
Suite 1b The Falkirk Stadium, 4 Stadium Way, Falkirk FK2 9EE
Need to publish a public notice?
If you need to publish a public notice, please contact Falkirk Herald directly at: