Chichester - Multiple Planning Notices
What is planned?
Town and Country Planning Acts 1990 • Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990 • NOTICE IS GIVEN of the following applications made to the Local Planning Authority, for one or more of the following reasons: Affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area; Does Not Accord with the Provisions of the Development Plan; Environmental Assessment; Involves a Listed Building; Major Development; Affects a Public Right of Way.
23/02891/DOM - Dr Franklin - Turnstones 8A Old Park Lane Fishbourne PO18 8AP - Replacement garden shed. 24/00242/DOM & 24/00243/LBC - Mr R Lamond - 9 Franklin Place Chichester PO19 1BL - Replacement of existing rear glazed roof with a slate covered roof & other external and internal alterations. 24/00287/DOM & 24/00288/LBC - Mr D Evans - South Mundham House South Mundham PO20 1LU - Single storey rear extension with internal & external alterations. 24/00008/DOM - Mr Foster - Holmby Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7NA - 1 no. shed in rear garden. 23/02895/FUL - Mr Thomson - 2 Northgate Chichester PO19 1AR - Single storey extension in courtyard to provide wheelchair access & bootroom, new courtyard escape staircase, insertion of new windows in courtyard, replacement of existing singe glazed windows plus new shopfront & branding to ground floor level street elevations. 24/00279/FUL - Mr Madala - 140 High Street Selsey PO20 0QE - Change use of ground floor shop (Class E) to Hot Food Takeaway (Sui Generis) including installation of external ducting for extraction ventilation. 24/00201/DOM - Mrs Mansell - 1 The Square Prinsted Lane Prinsted PO10 8HT - Summerhouse/shed. 24/00239/DOM - Mr & Mrs Arul-Pragasam - 47 Whyke Lane Chichester PO19 7UT - Single storey rear/side extension external storage (shed). Proposed drop kerb & creation of 1 no. parking space. Deadline for representations 14th March 2024. The applications and accompanying plans may be inspected by visiting the Council’s web site or at East Pallant House, East Pallant, Chichester, PO19 1TY between 9am-4pm Monday to Friday. SDNP/24/00317/LIS - Mr & Mrs G Pearce - Terwick Old Rectory , Old Rectory, Rogate, West Sussex, GU31 5EQ - Replacement of modern staircase & installation of new newel post. SDNP/24/00081/CND - Mr & Mrs Scillitoe - Parkgate, Shillinglee Road, Shillinglee, Northchapel, GU8 4SX - Alteration to existing single storey extension with provision for bedroom with en-suite facilities, installation of external flue and replacement yard gates (Variation of condition 2 from planning permission SDNP/21/00212/HOUS - Revised floor plan & elevation which includes the removal of wood burner flue and amendments to the internal floor layout). SDNP/24/00227/HOUS - Mrs C Majendie - The Cottage , 330 Grove Street, Petworth,GU28 0BD - Demolition of existing porch & erection of replacement single storey rear extension. SDNP/24/00490/CND - Mr & Mrs Scillitoe - Parkgate , Shillinglee Road, Shillinglee, Northchapel, GU8 4SX - Alteration to existing single story extension with provision for bedroom with en-suite facilities (Variation of condition 2 from planning permission SDNP/21/00213/LIS - Revised floor plan and elevation which includes the removal of wood burner flue and amendments to the internal floor layout). SDNP/24/00312/HOUS - Mr & Mrs P Nash - St Peters Well , Vicarage Lane, Lodsworth, GU28 9DF - Wrought iron driveway security gates with brick piers and side railings. Deadline for representations 14th March 2024. The applications and accompanying plans may be inspected by visiting the Council’s web site or at East Pallant House, East Pallant, Chichester, PO19 1TY between 8.45am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. Related documents may be viewed and commented on at: There is no further opportunity to comment if a HOUSEHOLDER case goes to Appeal.
MIKE HUGHES, Interim Director of Planning, South Downs National Park Authority
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