Ranish, Steinish, Grimsay, Nunton, Locheport, Tigharry- Various pLanning Applications
What is planned?
Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar
A summary of the planning applications and drawings, sufficient to explain the developments listed below, are displayed on the interim website of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar. https://cne-siar.gov.uk/. (The Online Planning portal is not currently available) The full planning application documents, plans, and drawings may be viewed at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Council Offices, Sandwick Road, Stornoway HS1 2BW or at Balivanich, Benbecula, HS7 5LA between 0900-1700hrs Monday to Friday by prior appointment.
Requests for an appointment, for further information or any written comments may be made within 14 days of the date of publication of this notice by email to planning@cne-siar.gov.uk or by post to the Planning Service at the address given above, quoting the application reference number:
24/00065/FFPA – Tabhaigh Fish Farm, Loch Erisort, Ranish, Lewis. Site Mid Point – Eastings 141609 Northings 923147 - Replace the existing 10 pens of 120 m circumference at Tabhaigh Fish farm with 8 pens of 160 m circumference and modify the position of the farm slightly further northeast.
24/00057/PPD – New Houses, 7 Steinish, Isle of Lewis. Demolish existing house and barn. Erect two semi-detached dwellings.
23/00484/PPD – The Creel Yard Camping, Kallin, Grimsay. Revised siting and layout of camping huts and reconfigured parking and hardstanding to vary permission Ref 17/00435, installation of solar panels and erection of polytunnel for horticultural use.
24/00041/PPD – Nunton Steadings, Nunton, Benbecula. Erect steel framed shed containing a steam generator, and a GRP substation enclosure to serve redevelopment of Nunton Steadings into a working Distillery. The structures will sit on reinforced concrete slabs.
24/00042/PPD – 14 Locheport, North Uist. Erection of dwelling with associated parking and drainage.
24/00043/PPD – Agricultural Shed, 7 Tigharry, North Uist. Conversion of agricultural shed to residential dwelling.
24/00068/PPP – 1b Tigharry, North Uist. Erect single storey dwelling with infrastructure and services.
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