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Vale of White Horse, Multiple Planning Notices

OX12 0JFPublished 17/01/24Expired
Oxford Herald Series • 

What is planned?


The Town and Country Planning Act requires the following to be advertised:

P23/V2788/HH Resubmission of previously approved application P18/1236/HH with the addition of minor alteration to design of porch and single storey extension. Hazelwood Main Street East Hanney Wantage OX12 0JF (CA)

P23/V2810/HH Demolition of existing tandem garage. Proposed single-storey side extension and internal alterations Tigin Ban High Street Harwell Didcot OX11 0EU (CA/LB)

P23/V2811/LB Demolition of existing tandem garage. Proposed single-storey side extension and internal alterations Tigin Ban High Street Harwell Didcot OX11 0EU /LB

P23/V2861/O Outline application with all matters reserved except access for up to 40 dwellings, open space, associated car parking green infrastructure landscaping and; full planning permission for the erection of a Day Nursery (Class E) and Care Home (C2) with associated access, car parking, landscaping and drainage. Land north of Copenhagen Drive Abingdon OX14 1RF (MD) *

P23/V2871/LB Replace single glazed timber french doors to rear of property with double glazed timber french doors. Replace timber front porch door and single glazed side casement window with new timber door and double-glazed timber casement window. Tigin Ban High Street Harwell Didcot OX11 0EU /LB

P23/V2881/FUL Erection of 42 residential dwellings with associated car and cycle parking, access, landscaping, and open space. Milton Heights Milton Abingdon OX14 4DR (MD)

KEY: * Not in accordance with the Development Plan. (CA) Proposed work may affect character/setting of Conservation Area. (CA/LB) Proposed work may affect character/setting of Conservation Area and setting of a Listed Building. (MD) Major Development. /LB Proposed work to a Listed Building. Representations in writing by 07.02.24

Applications can be viewed at or at the Council’s Office.

Comments can be made online, via email to registration@ or by post to Planning, Vale of White Horse District Council, Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE. Comments are not confidential and will be available for both inspection and copying.

Open to feedback





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