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Park Road, Halliwell Street - Multiple Planning Applications

PR7 1NPPublished 16/01/24Expired
Lancashire Post • 

What is planned?

Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Town and Country Planning Development Management
(General Procedure) Order 2010

The Council gives notice on the following applications as it has not been possible to notify all the nearby residents directly:

Application Number: 23/01097/LBC
Applicant: Chorley Borough Council
Reason for Advert: Listed Building Consent
Location: Astley Hall, Astley Park, Park Road, Chorley PR7 1NP
Proposal: Application for listed building consent for repairs and alterations to the western elevations of the West Range, including timber-frame repairs,
infill panel replacement, renewed rainwater goods, roof extension over
walls 49-50, leadwork and flashings replacement and minor alterations to
chimney stack.

Application Number: 23/01043/FUL
Reason for Advert: PA affecting setting of Listed Building
Location: 15 -17 Halliwell Street, Chorley PR7 2AL
Proposal: Change of use of nos. 15 to 17 Halliwell Street from offices to a 12-bedroom house in multiple occupation (HMO), two first floor rear
extensions and the erection a 2 storey detached building containing 4no. apartments and the provision of a bin store

Application Number: 23/01121/REMMAJ
Applicant: Mr Billy Seddon
Reason for Advert: Incomplete Neighbour Notification, Major Development
Location: Land At Carrington Road, Adlington
Proposal: Reserved matters application detailing appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale for the erection of 24 dwellings pursuant to outline planning
permission ref: 20/01200/OUTMAJ (Outline application (specifying the
access point) for the development of up to 25 dwellings and associated
infrastructure (including 35% affordable housing)) Appeal ref:

The applications, plans and other documents submitted with it may be inspected during normal office hours (8.45 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday) at the Civic Offices, Union Street, Chorley, PR7 1AL or via our website (telephone enquiries - 01257 515151).

Representations should be sent to the Chief Planning Officer at the above address, through our website or emailed to within 21 days of the date of the notice. Please quote the application number in all correspondence. Your comments may be read by the applicant or other members of the public. They will be sent to the Planning Inspectorate and the applicant if an appeal is made. Comments may be available on our website or through the Planning Portal if an appeal is lodged. Please ensure that you only provide information, including personal information belonging to you that you are happy will be made available to others in this way. However, if you do not provide your address we will be unable to inform you if an appeal is lodged against our decision.

Chief Planning Officer
Chorley Council

Proposal: Outline application for the proposed development of 40 dwellings, with associated new access, replacement of brass band building and associated parking, with landscaping reserved
Location: Land at Babylon Lane, Heath Charnock, Adlington, Chorley, PR6
Reference: 23/00510/OUTMAJ

I refer to the above details. An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against Chorley Council’s non-determination of the above referenced planning application.
The appeal will be determined on the basis of a Hearing. The procedure to be followed is set out in The Town and Country Planning (Hearings Procedure) (England) Rules 2000 (Statutory Instrument 2000/1626) (as amended). The Inspector appointed to decide the appeal will be A Jordan BA (Hons) MRTPI.

The inquiry will be held at:
Town Hall, Market Street, Chorley, PR7 1DP
Tuesday 23 January at 10:00am
Please register your details in advance, should you wish to attend, by providing your name, email address and details of the attendee's status within the context of the appeal e.g., interested party / neighbouring resident, organisation, Parish Councillor, to or in writing
using the Council’s Union Street address below. All queries relating to the event should be directed to the Council, using the above email or postal
address. Anyone wishing to speak at the hearing should make themselves known to the Inspector on the day as the Planning Inspectorate will not respond to such requests prior to the event. If you or anyone attending the Hearing has a disability, please let us know so we can ensure their
accessibility needs are met. The appeal documents are available for inspection at the Civic Offices, Union Street, Chorley, PR7 1AL, Monday to Friday 8.45am to 5pm.
When made, the decision will be published online at:

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